Let's go Brontë-Along!

Isn't this a great picture, btw? It's so like the original!

Another Brontë-based blogging event/theme! This time, it's not a challenge or anything, just a collection of bloggers who like posting on the subject of the Brontës and their works and have a collective squee, which sounds like a good plan. The bloggers behind it are Beth and Melissa at Eggplantia and they say you can participate even if you're not a blogger.

Posting about the Brontës is something I'm likely to continue doing after Laura's Brontë Challenge is through, even if  it will most likely not be as often. Or, it might be that I'll post more over at E•F•R rather than here. We shall see. Either way, I intend to keep reading, keep watching, keep listening, keep writing and keep blogging about these remarkable sisters and their wonderful works. :)

P.S. If anyone would prefer an Austen-Along, Beth & Melissa assures us there will be one of those as well, just keep your eyes open.

Here be my list of Brontë posts:
Updated: 28 July 2010

Anne Brontë
Agnes Grey, reviewed 2010/03
The Tenant of Wildfell Hall 1996, reviewed 2010/06

Charlotte Brontë
Shirley (Wordsworth Classics, 1993 [1849]), reviewed 2010/07
The Professor, reviewed 2010/02
Villette, reviewed 2010/06

Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre
Another Jane Eyre '11 photo (second photo of Mia W as Jane released!)
"Country Roads" - a bit of Jane Eyre in the 21st century (a creatively written modern take on Jane Eyre)
"Country Roads" part 2, more 21st century Jane Eyre (part two of above)
Eyreaholic or Eyrehead? (oh the spin-offs!)
Filming locations: Haddon Hall in Derbyshire (recollections from visiting Thornfield Hall)
In Charlotte Brontë's footsteps (the house that inspired Thornfield)
Jane Eyre - the Graphic Novel, reviewed 2010/07
Jane Eyre 1934 (film adaptation), reviewed 2009/09
Jane Eyre 1938 + 1940 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1941 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1943 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1944 (film adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1944 (Young/Welles) (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre 1944 (Warner/Jory) (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre 1944 (Fontaine/March) (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/06
Jane Eyre 1947 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/03
Jane Eyre 1948 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre 1949 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/06
Jane Eyre 1950 (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre "Playhouse of World Famous Authors" (radio adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre 1970 (film adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1972 & 1991 (radio adaptations), reviewed 2010/06
Jane Eyre 1973 (TV adaptation), reviewed 2010/04
Jane Eyre 1983 (TV adaptation), reviewed 2009/10
Jane Eyre 1996 (film adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre 1997 (film adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Jane Eyre audiobook (an idea I had)
Jane Eyre audiobook update (...and later decided against)
Jane Eyre audiobook - second attempt (...and then changed my mind again)
Jane Eyre audiobook - Chapter 2 posted!
Jane Eyre musical soundtrack (York/Williams)
JE'11 casting
Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre - first picture!
Mr. Rochester - rather like a Vulcan (a very bad joke)
Mrs. Rochester: The Sequel to Jane Eyre by Hilary Bailey, reviewed 2010/07
News of upcoming Jane Eyre adaptation (JE'11 Jane/Rochester casting)
Release date for Jane Eyre '11
Rochester by J.L. Niemann, reviewed 2010/03
So it's February... (disagreeing on a documentary regarding Mr. Rochester)
STOP THE PRESSES!! :D (delights about getting Rochester by J.L. Niemann)
That's just RUDE! (finding out the two JE spin-offs I had ordered were in fact the same book with two different titles)
French Dancer's Bastard, the a.k.a. Thornfield Hall a.k.a. Adèle by Emma Tennant, reviewed 2010/07
Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys, reviewed 2010/05

Emily Brontë and Wuthering Heights
Another WH in production (some casting rumours on the next film adaptation)
Out on the wiley, windy moors (waiting for WH'09)
Sparkhouse (2002), reviewed 2009/11 (miniseries inspired by WH)
Waiting for WH'09
WH - Time for a re-think (having read the book, perhaps '09 adaptation isn't that great after all)
WH'78... ugh (complaining how tedious the '78 adaptation is)
Wuthering Heights, reviewed 2010/01
Wuthering Heights 1978 (TV adaptation), reviewed 2009/10
Wuthering Heights 1998 (TV-film adaptation), reviewed 2010/01
Wuthering Heights 2009: Part 1, Part 2 (TV adaptation), reviewed 2009/09

General Brontë posts
All About the Brontës challenge 2010
Brontë Pictures and listening to Jane Eyre
Let's go Brontë-Along!
The Brontës by Brian Wilks, reviewed 2010/03
Weekend LOL: Brontë Sisters Action Figures!


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