Waiting for Strike Back

Oh SNAP! Just saw a Strike Back promo on Sky1. A proper, long trailer, probably about a couple of minutes long. Didn't realise it was that to begin with, until I saw Richard Armitage. Then all of a sudden, the telly had my full attention! Gee, I wonder why? Holy squee! Could it be that he looked angsty and just... amazing?

The Commander in Chief in uniform. Leading us poor,
defenceless and most of all exceedingly hormonal ladies
into estrogene-infused fits of gleeful delight and awe.

It mainly featured Richard and Andrew Lincoln, but it looks to be really good. Shame the trailer didn't feature Toby Stephens. I can see what attracted Richard to the part. It just seems like the character has issues coming out the wazoo. Oh, it's going to be awesome! Can't wait! :D It's said to be shown starting 1 May, six parts or so. That's at least 280 minutes of joy.

Here's a short promo, only because I can't see a longer one on YouTube and kinda "take what we can get":

Richard Armitage Net have a gallery with the pictures from the trailer, though. Move out, soldier! We ain't the Armitage Army for nowt!

Totally squeeable from the other angle too.

Oh and to top it all off, the second Santander ad just came on as I'm typing this. Swooooooon! Actually... I've realised I'm already a Santander customer. The company who handle one of my credit cards was taken over by them. Not that I'd go running to them to beg them to open an account just because RA's doing the voiceovers. That'd be silly. It just makes me slightly tingly to know I'm already a customer. And that's soooo freakin' sad! Sheesh! And I can't believe I just admitted to it as well. *cough* See what he reduces us too? Giggly teenagers, regardless of our age! And the clincher? We totally don't mind.


  1. Just watched the full promo on youtube...OMG...someone has got to upload Strike Back when it airs in May so us "poor" souls in Canada can see this mini-series...it looks so good.
    And RA is smokin' hot!
    yup I am acting like a silly teenage girl and I DON'T CARE!!!
    So glad I found other giggly "girls" like me!

  2. Thanks for your unabashed squeee! It makes me feel like I am in good company.

  3. Thanks for posting the trailer! It's short but so sweeet!

  4. Oh, you should see the long one, Phylly, it's totally scrummy! :D

    And yeah, even though we're grown-up but are reduced to giggly teenagers, at least we have company! If we were on our own, it would be kind of weird, but now there's a great big crowd of us and I'm really grateful for it. Thanks for being there, girls! :D

  5. Where oh where is the long one? Please post a link!
    I saw the one from before, that got removed -- is that the one you mean? it WAS fabulous!

  6. @phlly3 - I sent you the link through Youtube...ENJOY

    PS wanna go to the UK in May to watch Strike Back when it airs...Who's with me!!!

  7. Just want to say I love the new look of your blog!


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