You know you're a Richard Armitage fan when ...

I thought there should be a list like this. Maybe there already is, I've just not seen it yet. It's not a massive list by the time of posting this (25 points), but I'm hoping you'll help me come up with more so that one day it will be. :)

Last updated: 14 June 2012, the list so far:

You know you're a Richard Armitage fan when ...

  1. You suddenly take a very keen interest in Spooks, after having more or less ignored it for six series.
  2. The word "peaches" is no longer associated with a fruit.
  3. ...In fact, you can't hear/think of peaches without grinning.
  4. You've ever used the word "Guyliner" in a sentence.
  5. Seeing a box of Thorntons chocolate always cheers you up.
  6. ...Especially the thought of being fed the contents by Mr. Thornton himself.
  7. You just had to be reminded that the chocolatier and the dreamy cotton mill owner are two different people...
  8. You would never have watched Robin Hood if it wasn't for Guy of Gisborne.
  9. You find it more or less impossible to listen to an RA-read audiobook and pay attention to what's actually being said.
  10. You know what "squirrel beard" or "squirrel face" refers to.
  11. You find it funny (but not surprising) that of the ten Google search suggestions for "Richard Armitage", half are "girlfriend", "wife", "married" and "dating".
  12. You've joined the Army.
  13. You would've understood the reference in #12 even without the link.
  14. Meg. You are bound to have an opinion.
  15. You thought Marian pretty much got what she deserved by the end of series 2.
  16. You can't hear Justin Timberlake's "Sexy Back" without getting delicious flashbacks from fanvids on YouTube.
  17. You've wished him a happy birthday.
  18. You've written to his agent to ask for an autograph.
  19. ...And then waxed lyrically about it on a fan forum once you've received it.
  20. You've ever had an overexcited conversation with a friend about RA, acting as if you're still giggly teenagers.
  21. ...Even though you're older than the Man himself?
  22. You try to convert your friends and/or by giving them subtle hints, like a DVD for their birthday, or just sending them random YouTube links.
  23. You have a blog where you can rant on about RA day and night at your leisure.
  24. ...And thus avoid annoying the crap out of your real-life families.
  25. Hearing phrases such as "look back at me" and "lie down" make your knees weak.
  26. You have collected a huge folder of pictures of RA (or several folders)
  27. ...And have created a slide show set to music with the most squeeable.
  28. You have attempted to make graphics with said pictures, avatars, icons and/or siggys.
  29. You have posted on at least one fan blog (or more).
  30. You know what "squee" means.
  31. You wear the Gisbourne betrothal ring from Accessorize at every available opportunity.
  32. ...And try to convince your significant other that they'd really like to get you one made by the Bespoke Jeweller in the high street.
  33. You are the proud owner of (at least one) Little Guy action figure.
  34. Even if English isn't your mother tongue, you are unexpectedly familiar with Men's outfits such as Pea Coat or Boiler Suit, but you can't help blushing when mentioning them.
  35. You can't watch Sense & Sensibility 95's final scene anymore without giggling like a schoolgirl, trying in the meantime to reproduce "that extraordinary noise."
  36. Sarah Caulfield. Loathe her or ignore her, you can't like her.
  37. Your addiction to RA media reduces you to listen to the likes of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, or any other teen pop star originally beneath your contempt.
  38. Your significant other calls you "Mrs. Armitage".
  39. You scour the Internet for HOURS to get your hands on a Guy of G doll.
  40. You sat through SB just because our man was starring in it.
  41. You insisted on watching RH2 every Sunday after you had dismissed series 1 as substandard child's stuff.
  42. Your children rolls eyes and says "Whatever happened to Sean the Grumpy Scot, Mom?"
  43. You're astonished at actually participating in "fan sites" for the first time ever.
  44. Reading RA blogs and sites takes priority over work.
  45. You try to convert family and colleagues to RA's work, saying "you'd really like this!".
  46. You hope that every new work RA does is a success and the ratings are high. (A bit like your favourite team winning a grand final).
  47. You obsessively check the fanblogs for new RA pictures and stories.
  48. You'd stoop to cinematic lows such as watching the BBC sequel to Dude, Where's My Car? ("Oi, Where the Bloody Hell IS My Car?") simply because you heard RA had a cameo.
  49. The words "Richard Armitage" becomes the first auto-fill option when doing searches on Google and You Tube.
  50. You buy an audiobook just because RA is reading it.
  51. You during breaks and lunch at work go to a computer just in case any of your regular RA haunts have updated some new tidbit or picture.
  52. You googled this actor to find more of his work, something you'd never done for any actor before.
  53. You discovered because of RA that there is a phenomenon called "vidding" and "fanfic", which you previously had never heard of.
  54. Your friends who don't watch any British TV shows or period dramas of any type ask me "oh, is that British guy you like in it?" whenever you recommend a movie to them.
  55. You're searching for ways to watch UK shows online because you can't wait for them to be released in your country, simply because RA is in them.
  56. You pick up a tin of peaches and think mmmmmm...............
  57. You feel like a teenager again.
  58. Your hubby starts resembling RA in your mind.
  59. You began writing fanfic about one of his characters.
  60. You get your children hooked on Robin Hood just so you can have an excuse (like you really need one!) to watch it ... again!
  61. You feel the need to buy shares in Amamzon, to benfit from all the money you've spent (though not reluctantly) on DVDs and audiobooks that feature RA.
  62. You've read North and South, Birdsong (mentioned by Harry in VoD) and are planning to read Crime and Punishment and Clarissa, just because!
  63. You've watched the final scene from N&S about 100 times (which may even be a conservative estimate) and you're not even remotely tired of it yet.
  64. All you ask for Xmas is a region-free DVD player...
  65. ...because waiting patiently for other region DVD releases is unthinkable!
  66. You realize that you've heard RA's voice more than your own partner's over the last while
  67. You know that you are an RA fan when you read every book that either he or his characters mention.
  68. You go back and re-watch the VoD clip to make sure you got all the book names/authors right and add some John LeCarre to your "to read list".
  69. Your addiction to RA media reduces you to listen to the likes of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, or any other teen pop star originally beneath your contempt.
  70. You start seeing RA as characters in other books and film adaptations, such as Terry Pratchett's Greebo (human form) or Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan.
  71. You go Googling stuff on this list that you're not familiar with, just to make sure you've got it all down. 
  72. Every time you see a man 6ft/183cm or more, you imagine RA.
  73. Every voice you once admired you now compare to RA's.
  74. You compare kisses in other romantic movies to that of the Train Scene.
  75. You need no further explanation to what "the Train Scene" means, because you not only know what it refers to, you can picture it in your head.
  76. You have used one or more photos of RA in a PowerPoint presentation for a larger group of people.
  77. The Misty Mountains song, led by RA, from The Hobbit trailer, is now your favourite love song.
  78. RA's Groman (Greco-Roman) nose is now a sex appeal up there with personality, legs, butt, chest, etc.
  79. ...You invent words like "Groman" just to better explain RA's dashing looks.
  80. It takes you 2.5 hours to watch a one hour episode, because you keep repeating all the scenes with RA several times while watching ... and then once done, you go back and watch all those special scenes again and again.
  81.  You almost have an orgasm while listening to his bedtime storytelling on CBeebies.
  82. You overhear your 4-year-old muttering "Guy of Gisborne" to himself and your 2-year-old trying to copy him, "Guh uh Guh".
  83. You've considered what sort of cosmetological and surgical interventions you might need to have in order to bring your appearance up to the level where RA might take a second look at you if he passed you on the street.
  84. You'd never noticed that your monitor screen was flecked with bits of God-knows-what filth until you embarked upon daily gazing sessions with photos of himself, and the specks marred the beautiful visage ... so that now you keep your screen immaculate ... for him!

If you want to add more (please do!), just post a comment with your suggestions and I'll update the post! :)

Many thanks to these contributors!
  • hotchpotch
  • phylly3
  • Karen
  • MaidMelee
  • Nat, and through the comments on a post she made: @Rob, MillyMe, fitzg, mulubinba, littlevictories, diveknit, tyme_4_t, twinkling moon, Myrtle, flandersdreamer, sandra, JEMAA, and B*
  • Laura 
  • mommbsta
  • Jonia
  • Sbebz
  • Aurora
  • YOU COULD BE NEXT! Comment on this post with more points! :D

(This post gets updated a bit as and when, so please don't expect things to appear straight away. It might be a couple of months ...)


  1. I have no idea what you're talking about!

    Okay- 90% of it applies to me. :)
    Although I've never written a fan letter and not middle-aged.

  2. I wrote a message in the AA "happy birthday" section on the website (too late for the forum one) but other than that, haven't written fanmail since I was about 10 and wrote a hideous one to ABBA (good luck with that, considering they split up a decade or so before that). Heh. Nor am I middle-aged! But yeah, a lot of the others apply. *giggle*

  3. Good list. I got 15/25. There would have been more but I don't have blog, haven't written to him (yet), and I was already enjoying MI-5 and would watch almost any version of Robin Hood (although that monster thing seems way too weird!).
    Here are some more to add to the list: have collected a huge folder of pictures of RA (or several folders) -- and have created a slide show set to music with the most squeeable.
    Knows what "squee" means (I didn't before), have attempted to make graphics with said pictures, avatars, icons and/or siggys -- have posted on at least one fan blog (or more)... I think I could go on, but I'll stop now..
    Unfortunately I am of the middle-aged fan variety. ***shakes head sadly****
    oh great! My word verification is "dying"!! How cheerful is that?!

  4. Thank you so much for your excellent suggestions! Have added them to the list. :D 4/5 for me on those, as I've yet to make a slide show with music! I've only done a Windows slide show in the picture previewer thing, but that doesn't count. If you come up with any more, I'll be happy to add more. I've got a feeling the list could go on forever... *giggle*

    *slaps the word verification for good measure* Stop being depressing and rude!

  5. You made me laugh out loud! OMG , that's me!!!

  6. ha ha the first one is me...I never watched Spooks until R.A got a role in it..then i jumped in the middle completely lost.

  7. I like your #14, sorry i'm late to the party, and i couldn't help replacing the name Meg with Sarah.

    Got 80%, thanks to not being middle aged, too technologically challenged to make fanvids, and too chicken to write to him.

    (my word verification is 'rants' - like it knows me!)

  8. 20 out of 25 for me.
    Great list.
    You know you're RAddicted when you wear the Gisbourne betrothal ring from Accessorize at every available opportunity, and try to convince your significant other that they'd really like to get you one made by the Bespoke Jeweller in the high street.

  9. Can't find the cheap betrothal ring so am reduced to trying to get a local jeweler to make one for me from photo I found on Google images but its the wrong color so then I had to go to the episode where he actually gives her the blessed thing and print that. Ah ha, it's blue flowers with green little leaves. Jeweler haughtily told me when I showed him the image that it was rhinestones with color backing!

    So did they use aquamarine in the 12th century? Happily they did use sapphires and silver. Jeweler didn't call me back, probably thinks I a moonstruck so now I must subject myself to more humiliation. Will try a female jeweler next time. Anything to be betrothed to Guy. Pathetic or what??

  10. Note to self: Have to remember to look in Accessorize next time in town. *cough*

  11. Nice list, Traxy!
    I must confess I scored 26/32 *blushes*
    I esp. liked #14 (Sarah who?) and #15 :D
    May I suggest:
    "You are the proud owner of (at least one) Little Guy action figure" ? :D

  12. ...back with a couple more! ;)
    - Even if English isn't your mother tongue, you are unexpectedly familiar with Men's outfits such as Pea Coat or Boiler Suit, but you can't help blushing when mentioning them.
    - You can't watch anymore S&S 95's final scene without giggling like a schoolgirl, trying in the meantime to reproduce "that extraordinary noise"

  13. Haha, those are fab, Karen! :D Thank you! I'd love a Little Guy doll and the S&S comment made me laugh out loud. Oh yes, and your response to #14 prompted another addition to the list as well!

  14. What does squee mean? Keep seing it in blogs and fan sites. Obviously, the sound probably says it. But is there an actual definition?

    What did I miss?

  15. Yes, there is. Well, of sorts. :) The Urban Dictionary defines it thus:

    A noise primarily made by an over-excited fangirl, however it has spread rapidly and is now widely spread among the web community.
    Omg!! New Harry Potter book out!! Omg Squee squee! omg!!!

    It inspired my blog's tagline of the "over-excited fangirl". :)

  16. I just discovered your blog. I absolutely adore it. Almost all of these apply to me (Except that I'm 23 years younger than Richard Armitage, but I still love him.) I was actually wondering: Can you really purchase the Gisborne Betrothal ring somewhere?

  17. @Elsie: Thank you! :) Yes, I've heard that the ring is actually supposed to be from a high street shop - Accessorize! I've not been to check if they still have any... but am tempted to!

  18. @Elise-Accessorize doesn't carry it anymore. You have to get one custom made. The one on RH is actually clear rhinestones with color backing, a real one will cost a few hundred dollars. You can print a photo out from the net and take it to a jeweler.

  19. I fit almost all of these! I think one of the only ones is the age related one ... I am 19!

  20. I just read this post. It's hilarious and so true! Good one!

  21. Ahem... you know you're a lost cause when your addiction to RA media reduces you to listen to the likes of Lady Gaga, Britney Spears, or any other teen pop star originally beneath one's contempt.

    Oh, the things we do for that man... sigh.

    Is this list-worthy?

    (Hi Traxy, from one "happy heathen" to another! ;) )

    So you make wands? Cool. I draw comics featuring RA. If you have time for a few chuckles, just click on my name. :)

  22. Wonder if this would make the list for #69 because this is what I've heard from other fans besides myself:

    You start seeing RA as characters in other books and film adaptations, such as Terry Pratchett's Greebo(human form) or Edgar Rice Burrough's Tarzan.

  23. I hit at least half... I quit counting. And *neener* I'm his age!!! (ok, I'm a year and a half older. Still counts!!!) :P

    I have one to add...

    - You go Googling stuff on this list that you're not familiar with, just to make sure you've got it all down. (Mine's "peaches" and "squirrel beard")

    Oh, and the phrases? The one that drops me, every time, is "Please GOD, not you", from "Spooks/MI-5" when he found out about Sarah. It's the passion in his voice. *swoon*

    LOVE this list. Love the other fans that I share Him with! You guys are SO much fun!!

  24. *blushing* Just got the "peaches" reference... I didn't realize THAT'S what we were calling it...

  25. Ohh I've seen those drawings before, they're excellent! :)

    I know JUST what you're talking about. I mean, Justin Timberlake?! Eww. He sure ain't bringin' sexy back, that's for sure.

    *adds to list*

  26. I've cast him as one of my Hogwarts professors in a roleplaying game. That's perfectly normal, right? ...Right??


  27. As soon as you squirrel beard, you'll know why that's what it's called! ;) Just tried doing a Google Image search. Aside from squirrels, there's RA, haha!

    Totally agree, RA fans are a hoot. :) Except the obsessive and nasty ones, although they never seem to swing by here. And if they do, they never leave a comment. *shrugs*

  28. *chuckles heartily*

    The first image that came up in an image search of "Richard Armitage peaches" was ... well, illustrative, shall we say? ;)

  29. Please, please, Traxy......never ever again suggest (even in fun) that we go back to such belittling expressions as "contributresses" instead of simply "contributors", no matter if the person you're referring to is a male or a female!!!!!!

    My generation (I'm 65) had to fight very hard to have such sexist words wiped from usage, eg: authoress, poetess

  30. I just descovered your blog! You made me laugh, it's just me! Congratulations for your blog- so funny and so intelligent! Excuse my English.

  31. Thank you very much and welcome! You write great English! :)

  32. Yes, it was just meant as a lighthearted funpoking at the fact that the entire list has been put together by females, and it's not even a real word. But I admit I hadn't thought of it that way, so I'm sorry, and have changed it, because you're quite right.

  33. Excellent Traxy, it's very funny, I love it !!!

  34. you're either FANtastically obsessed or a marvelous telepath (now i know how far gone i am). apart from the expressionists and sparkhouse; never heard of the others, buut i'm catching up.
    there are actually GOG dolls? i don't recall ever rooting for the bad guy until now .
    i'm really enjoying these blogs and your blog name sooo suits you. i love watching period movies and couldn't find enough so i turned to youtube and that's how i discovered N&S thus RA. NOW everytime i watch a fav movie i try to find some new talent to help water down the affection for RA but so far have been failing wretchedly...but i don't despair because i can see that i'm in good company

  35. oh "everytime you see a man 6ft or more you imagine RA"
    "everyones voice you once admired you now compare to RA's"
    "you compare kisses in other romantic movies to that of thornton and margaret"

  36. "You are using photo of Richard in Powerpoint presentation for larger group of people" I did this twice ;D

  37. "the hobbit song led by RA is now your fav love song"

  38. wonderful, I can not stop laughing and I admit, a bit frustrated ... (why the work of RA has not been publicized in my country?) ...

  39. To be fair, I've had a lot of help putting this list together. :)

    Yup, there were action figures from BBC's Robin Hood. Think the GoG ones are difficult to find now, but you should be able to see what they look like if you google it. :)

    There are a lot of RA fans out there, so you'll always be in good company. Thanks for your kind words. If you ever want to talk about RA or period drama (or anything else for that matter), you know where to find me! RA is a great guy, so you can feel proud of admiring him. :)

  40. Who knows? Hopefully you'll get more of him soon! Fingers crossed! :)

  41. would you describe RA's elegant nose to be a cross between greek and roman? then that would make the GROMAN nose the new sex appeal

  42. the RA nose (groman - greek/roman?) is now a sex appeal
    (up there with personality,legs, butt ,chest etc)

  43. OMG how true is all this. And now I am even commenting? *lol*
    I love your style of writing, Traxy, keep it all up.

  44. so hilarious!! I couldn't stop grinning the whole list... so much of it applies to me and I learned new things about RA from this list, so thanks ladies :))

    I have a couple more:
    - It takes you 2.5 hours to watch a one hour episode, because you keep repeating all the scenes with RA several times while watching... and then once done, you go back and watch all those special scenes again and again
    - You almost have an orgasm while listening to his bedtime storytelling on CBeebies

  45. You know you're an obsessed, over-the-top Richard Armitage fan overhear your 4-year-old muttering "Guy of Gisborne" to himself and your 2-year-old trying to copy him, "Guh uh Guh."

  46.'ve considered what sort of cosmetological and surgical interventions you might need to have in order to bring your appearance up to the level where RA might take a second look at you if he passed you on the street....

    1. Liposuction.

      Err, I mean ... I have absolutely no idea what you're referring to. *cough*


  47. How about this one, Traxy? You know you're a Richard Armitage fan'd never noticed that your monitor screen was flecked with bits of God-knows-what filth until you embarked upon daily gazing sessions with photos of himself, and the specks marred the beautiful that now you keep your screen immaculate...for him!!!

    1. Yup, I've definitely done that. Not have daily gazing sessions, but wiping the screen because there's some speck in the way of gazing at a picture. :)

    2. Thx for your replies, Traxy. But really, you don't have daily gazing sessions? Am I alone in this?

    3. Haha, nope, sorry! I'm sure there are a lot of people who do, though, so you're in good company. :)

    4. No doubt....

  48. You would also know that's you're an RA fan when you start fangirling with the ARMY. And even marry your blog to RA. And even see RA in everything like miseRAble, desiRAble, distRAction... even outside. Like funeRAl homes, cereal bRAnds... oh dear god. I'm RAddicted.


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