And you call yourself a Richard Armitage fan?

It's been just about a year since I wrote that post about IF Richard Armitage was gay, what's it got to do with us? This has since become the most read and the most commented post on this blog, for better or for worse. Hotly debated issue, apparently.

The thing that strikes me is how people look upon the subject. A lot of comments were very supportive, saying if he was gay, it might spoil the illusion somewhat, but all in all, if that's who he is, then that's who he is. Others claimed to have evidence of him being a homosexual, but from what I gather, it's really only based on hearsay, rumourmongering and/or "gut feelings".

Personally, I'd be interested to hear a gay man's views on this. Why? Because everyone in the debate is female, and the vast majority, if not all, are straight. Ever heard the term "gaydar"? Whose gaydar is more likely to be accurate - a straight female's or a homosexual male's? I know who I'd vote for ...

But that aside, I'm completely gobsmacked at other comments. The ones that say Richard Armitage is definitely gay ... and that now, they can no longer watch or enjoy his work. To that, I can't help but wonder. Not about Richard Armitage's sexuality, because I'm still of the opinion that his bed partners are his business and not mine, regardless of their gender. No, what I wonder is rather about his fans. Not just the ladies who kindly contributed their opinions, but for ALL the fans who share that opinion.

If something as inconsequential as the preferred gender of his sexual partners in his own bedroom - let's not forget it's SPECULATION ONLY - can make people toss out their whole DVD collection ... well, doesn't that realistically prove you weren't really much of a fan to begin with? If you appreciate an actor for their acting skills regardless of how attractive you find him/her to behold, their private lives are of little consequence.

I understand that some people have moral or religious qualms about homosexuality, it's not that. Each to their own. What I don't get is why it almost seems like the mere possibility of him not being straight is a personal insult to some. Some would feel cheated or feel as if he's lied to his fans. Lied about what? Has he ever made any of us any promises that him being gay would prevent him from keeping? Don't think so. If we were in an actual, real life romantic or sexual relationship with him, yes, we'd be upset and have every right to be angry. But come on, he's an ACTOR. While we might fancy the pants off him, none of us fans are ever actually going to get said pants off the man in real life.

"But you don't understand, it's the principle of the thing!" What principle is that exactly? What principle makes his embodiment of Guy of Gisborne the best thing ever one day and completely unwatchable the next? THAT'S my problem. How can Richard Armitage lose his talents, or a good production lose it's value, completely just because the male lead MIGHT prefer his own gender? Even if it turned out to be true, it would not make North & South any less amazing.

Last year, both Sean Maher and Zachary Quinto came out as gay. Hasn't made Sylar less psycho or Simon Tam suddenly repulsive and less of a dreamboat. Do we accuse Neil Patrick Harris or John Barrowman of lying to us when they have the hots for women on screen? So why should we treat Richard Armitage that way? Especially since, let's repeat, we know nothing of his real life sexual preferences.

Also worth noting that in the UK, we tend to be a lot more relaxed about these things than in the US, so over here, he wouldn't exactly suddenly be without a job if he came out. Homosexuality is not a career breaker. Which in turn leads me to believe he's straight. But even if he's not, he's still one heck of a fine actor, and I for one will shed tears of joy and pride if The Hobbit lands Richard Armitage an Oscar nomination for Best Supporting Actor next year.

Either way you look at it, we still won't be sitting next to him in that theatre on the night.


  1. Great post. For me his sexuality is irrelevant. I will continue to enjoy watching his career unfold. The only thing that might put me off is a choice of work I absolutely detest, or if he began to behave in public in a way that I felt was disrespectful to others, arrogant or cruel. At this point in time, I can't see him behaving horribly towards others.

    BTW: I will have my tissues out if he gets a nomination for best supporting actor also. That would be a high point in my viewing experience. :)

  2. As many know, I live in Hollywood, and have many actor friends. One of them told me when she first got an agent, her agent told her to keep her marital status as secret as possible. Why? Because, she was told, it's important for actors when they first start out to be blank canvases that the fans can paint on as suits their needs, meaning, that they can fantasize about the actor being whatever they want them to be, gay, straight, single, married, younger, older, (she was told not to reveal her true age either, she was 25 at the time), etc. She was told once she was established, people wouldn't care as much because she could let her work speak for itself, but until then, she had to make the fans happy, all of them.

    I think you are right, it's a much bigger deal in the U.S. than in other countries. Personally, I would be sad to find Richard gay or secretly married because then I'd have to change my fantasies about him. haha I'm still reeling from Ricky Martin not being available to be the father of my kids. :-D (I'm teasing of course....sort of...maybe not that much)

  3. Excellent post, love every word you typed. To those that can no longer enjoy his performances based on the personal opinion, he is/might be gay...*shrug* Wasn't it Thornton, Harry, Porter, Guy etc that first set your hearts a flutter.

  4. Well said, bravo!

  5. If Richard is Gay or Bisexual I certainly would not throw out my DVD’s or never watch him again, I simply can comprehend that thinking.

  6. Nothing he did in real life could ever make me throw out my DVD collection. What I like I LIKE! I just want him to be happy and productive so that he will have more excellent performances, so that I can buy more DVDs!

  7. I really enjoyed your post! The truth is I REALLY don't care. It doesn't change the fact that I think he's adorable, talented and special. It doesn't change the fact that I adore the characters he portrays. And our ideas about who he is and what he's like are in the fantasy realm anyway. Thanks for the post ;)

    1. It doesnt matter if the lovely, handsome, telented, intelligent, Richard is gay or strate. I think if you really like his work then you will no matter what. Im proud to have him repreaent the UK. I agree with the above statement.

  8. oops what a typo to make should say "I simply cant comprehend that thinking"

  9. Thank you for taht great post Traxy!
    I agree with you 100 %!!!

  10. Richard's voice saved me life, beeing his fan realy changed my life and I realy don't care about his sexuality. I'm only praying for happy life for him.

    1. You are correct there

    2. It does not matter, Richard gives me butterflies. Its no ones business. respect him. i agree with the above satement.

  11. I'm hoping for bisexual, 'cause at least I'd still have a chance. ; )

  12. I was just going to say- lesbian would be a surprise, but still, I'd adjust :) LOL!

  13. Damn, salsa hurts when it's coming out a nostril.

  14. The whole gay thing reminds me of the Seinfeld episode where a college journalist thought (because of something that would take too long to relate) that Seinfeld was gay, and one of the other characters says that's because he's over 3o, single and neat.
    Having been in the upscale fashion industry my whole career, I feel that my gaydar is pretty well honed, and I don't necessarily get the sense that he's gay, just incredibly private, who know, its none of my business anyway, just as who I sleep with is no one's business.

    I mean really, does a REAL fan honestly care who sleeps with whom?

  15. I am in agreement with all of you. He is a fantasy man to us. It is what he projects on screen that has captured our attention, as he is a fine actor. His personal life is none of my concern, though based on what I've read about him and interviews, he is a most admirable person. He seems unassuming, shows concern for others, appears to be down-to-earth and not sure what all the fuss is about. He takes his craft seriously and it shows. He doesn't seem to take himself too seriously, and that is an endearing quality. I sincerely hope he does have a SO . So much is happening in his life now that he's worked so hard for - he should have someone to share the joy with no matter what their gender. I'll cheer him on as long as he is working, no matter who he goes home to at the end of the day!:)

  16. @simplegirl: May Ijoin? ;)

  17. (with a gut of laughter) so true.

  18. Great post. :-)

    I don't care if Richard is gay or not. For me, he a very good actor and that's the most important. ;-)

  19. Yup, same here. He might be reserved, but that doesn't mean he's a horrible person.

    Ohh, it will be exciting to hear what the world has to say about Thorin when the film comes out. :D

  20. I can understand the blank canvas p.o.v. but then again, we have a very different culture over here when it comes to actors. When John Barrowman first came on the scene, I don't think anyone batted an eyelid about him being gay. Then again, he doesn't exactly hide it either! ...And he has scores of female fans who fancy him something rotten, come to think of it.

    I know that the guy who played "Just Jack" in Will & Grace keeps his real-life sexuality a close-guarded secret because he doesn't want to be typecast according to his sexuality. Still, I saw him playing a straight guy in something and that was really weird - I was so used to him playing extremely camp. :)

  21. Neither can I.

    Although once, in high school, a friend of mine threw out his Cypress Hill or Wu-Tang Clan (or both?) tapes/CDs when he realised that all their songs were about glorifying drug use. I still thought it was a bit odd to throw it all away (tapes can be taped over - I'm a sucker for recycling), but I thought it was brave and even admirable thing to do, and I still respect him for it.

    How hypocritical does this make me sound? ;) Well, doing drugs is illegal and glorifying drug use can make easily influenced kids go "yeah, smoking dope is cool, man!"

    Being gay is very, very different to that. It's not exactly something you choose just "to be cool", and if you do, you won't do it for long. You might try snogging (or more) out of curiousity, but in the end, if you're not gay, you don't live your life as if you are. Show me ANY gay person that has ever influenced kids to want to become gay when they're not ...

  22. I think my fantasy of him would take a bit of a knock if he turned out to be gay, but in the end, it would still be "yeah, like I'd ever have a chance with him in the first place!"

    Like Alistair Appleton. Total dreamboat, went completely "OMG! Sadface!" when I found out he was gay. But on the other hand, what's it to me if he is or isn't? a) I wouldn't trade my husband for anything in the world, and b) I'm never going to meet that guy anyway. So while it means he's off limits for us ladies ... well ... life goes on.

  23. Funniest. Comment. Ever! :D

  24. "Hey Richard, I never took you for a dungaree man!" ;)

  25. Setting a good example for all of us there, Jonia. :) You're so right - I wish him a good and happy life, regardless of anything else.

  26. But what if he's straight? ;)

  27. I think a fan can care if a star sleeps with too many, because where's the respect in that? But if a star isn't being a complete dick, then no, there's really no need to get emotionally involved for the rest of us.

    Think you're definitely on to something. He's single (although we should bear in mind he didn't use to be - they broke up because he was away a lot, which is a very real reason for a relationship going down the drain), he's 30+, neat and kind. Technically, that's sexism - WHY can't a nice man be 30+, look after himself and not be in a relationship without people pointing the finger and saying he's gay? He really could simply "not have found the right one yet". Heh, I wonder if his mum badgers him about grandkids.

  28. Couldn't agree with you more. He seems like such a nice guy, and I wish him all the best. In fact, that he seems like such a nice guy makes me incredibly proud to consider myself a fan of his. Fans of many other actors can't exactly say the same. I'm proud to be Team Richard, because I'm oddly proud of him and everything he's achieved.

  29. We are discussing actors here. Their job is to create the illusion that they are the character we are watching whether on video, film or stage. It make no difference what their sexual, political or dietary plorientations are. What is most impressive, is that due to the nature of the ignorant posts here, if Mr. Armitage is gay, he might feel it difficult to live that life openly. Grow up everyone. This post is written by an openly gay man.

    1. Thanks for our input, openly gay yet anonymous man. :)

      Apparently to some, it DOES make a difference, which is what I don't really understand personally and why I wrote the post in the first place. As for the comments, they're all basically saying the same thing, that it wouldn't matter to them if he was gay or not. Soooo ... I don't fully understand what you're getting at? Wouldn't it be more of a problem if you're successful and come out and half your fanbase up and leave because of what you choose to do in your private life? As opposed to your fanbase staying right where they are regardless and if you came out, they'd pat you on the back and say "good for you, now keep making films I can add to my DVD collection".

  30. Everyone wants their shot at him... I wonder if he likes chubby girls... ha ha. Just kidding, either way he is an awesome actor and from what I can tell a really great person.

    1. On behalf of chubby girls everywhere - I really hope that he does! ;D

  31. While I agree with the fact that it is none of our business, and doesn't affect how great of an actor he is, I disagree with saying it doesn’t make a difference whether or not he is gay, or really, whether or not we know it. His roles tend to be this very masculine man, rough, yet deep, and very, very sexy. Because of this, knowing he is gay would absolutely ruin the fantasy. Mind you, I would still watch his movies and enjoy them, but I would not be searching all over the internet for information about what he's up to (being a straight girl, here), and I would say the interest level would go way down for many female fans. Not because it matters and we are phobic, but because it will mess up our vision of who he is. So, while I can't say I care one way or the other what his true sexual orientation is, I think that if he is gay, he needs to keep it private. Let us keep fantasizing.

  32. WOW! I never had any idea that this affected so many people! I guess I understand that for some it will shatter an illusion, but come on, what is a bigger illusion that imagining yourself with this man anyway? It makes no difference to me if he is gay or straight, because it is ALL just fantasy. The only thought I have is that if he IS gay, that he may not feel he can be open about it, and that makes me feel terrible. He and Hugh Jackman sort of resemble each other, so maybe the ladies have Hugh, the men have Richard, and everyone is happy? <3

  33. It's sad that you have decided to censure the comments on the post "What if Armitage was gay". You could have chosen to not post disrespectful or rude comments, instead you chose to hide the fact that there are different opinions on the subject and that some people think RA is being dishonest.
    Whether this is true or not it has to be proven but, in any case, when a different take is expressed in a civil manner, IMHO it shouldn't be censured. But it's your blog and obviously you have decided that censorship is a good thing.

    1. Yes, I could have continued to just moderate posts, but it's a quagmire - what to let through and what to stop. If I don't publish something, no doubt there would have been people complaining. Quite frankly, I have other things I want to be doing over Christmas than filtering increasingly obsessive and/or inflammatory blog comments. That's one factor. Another is the upcoming Hobbit release, which is likely to cause an upsurge in people googling for RA and potentially finding that particular blog post. I don't wish to propagate those rumours any further than I might have already inadvertently done by just doing the blog post. I want to welcome new RA fans, not have new fans scared away by how toxic the RA fan community can be on occasion.

      I won't dignify "you have decided that censorship is a good thing" with an answer. But, like you say, it's my blog. Take it or leave it.

  34. While I don't like censorship, I applaud your decision to close and hide comments on the previous post. This subject gets overheated and rationality flies out the window, and commenters start attacking each other.

    For what its worth in a recent interview RA did with a Spanish publication called Accion Cine. The interview was Hobbit related. In the biography part under the section marital status, if anyone is interested there is a link to this from site. The information contained might get things into perspective. I would hope that if people read this it will stop unpleasantness.

  35. Movie-making requires what JRR Tolkien called, "the willing suspension of disbelief." The openly-gay actors of whom I am aware (DeGeneris, Harris) do not rely on romantic leads to fuel their careers, unlike Armitage. So, yes, I can see why IF he were gay, he would want to keep it private and why 'coming out' could have a negative effect on his career.

    Let's say that a Hollywood actor dressed up as a woman and played a female love interest. I'd think, no matter how good the makeup and costuming, a large part of the audience would have trouble forgetting that "she" was a "he," esp in any love scenes.

    Just saying...

    1. It has been a long time since RA has played a romantic lead and what if? I am aware of a few British TV actors that are gay and play heterosexual lovers very convincingly. I know it doesn't bother me the slightest. Where is the point at which one can't suspend disbelief any more? Knowing that one part of an on-screen couple is happily married to someone else? Or knowing that that in real life the on-screen lovers hate each other? Why would knowing that an actor is gay be any different? Learning that Richard Chamberlain is gay didn't change the Thornbirds for me, if anything, it added something because he must know about forbidden love.

  36. Never heard of the man before I saw him in the Hobbit. He's disturbed my peace, is all I have to say to that. Gay or straight doesn't even come into it. I wish him happiness and success, and the recognition he so richly deserves.

    1. I don't do things like "Comment of the Week", but if I did, this would be it! ♥ :)

  37. I personally think, that he doesn't compartmentalize himself into anything. What I've seen in the interviews he seems that kind of type who likes what he likes. No matter if it's male or female.


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