Another Jane Eyre '11 photo

Mia Wasikowska as Jane Eyre. Photo by Laurie Sparham, Focus Features, got from an article at USA Today, found through the BrontëBlog. The article also has some comments from the people behind that blog, which is nice to read! :)

The photo looks a bit blurry, almost like a painting. Jane looks plain, in a way, but at the same time, very naturally beautiful. And, to be fair, Jane's Rivers cousins think she's beautiful, even if she does not. Still waiting for a picture of Rochester, though! Come on! Gimme gimme gimme!!


  1. Oooohhh, thanks for the picture! I'm getting excited about this adaptation. And I'm with you, someone needs to leak a Rochester pic!

  2. Thank you for the picture. I was frantically google searching for one and you found it! She is surprisingly perfect, isn't she? I thought I would hate anyone trying to play Jane after Ruth Wilson. I guess not. (But I am positive nothing can beat Toby Stephens!)

  3. @Ruth: Absolutely! :D

    @Elise: Mia Wasikowska looks great as Jane so far - we'll have to wait and see if she can deliver! I'm curious about Fassbender's Rochester, but yes... will he live up to Stevens? Hmmm... wait and see again! :)

  4. I hope the movie keeps faithfully to the script. Mia Wasikowska looks great as Jane. Rochester, should be a dark brooding man with black hair and eyes and not conventially handsome. Why pick a pale, ginger hair man with blue eyes? I'm disappointed already.Orsen Wells was a great Rochester although the movie seems very, very tame compared to others that followed.


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