Strike Back promo - found it! :D

And I pretend to be good at the whole Internets thing and I can't even do a proper search... duh. Here's that long and lush Strike Back promo I mentioned recently. Lookit the angst! :D

Seen it twice today on TV. Woohoo! And for some reason it makes me want to hum the Village People's Macho Man. Here's someone who's already done a fanvid to Status Quo's You're In The Army Now:



  1. I have admit that I had never heard of Richard Armitage before reading your blog (although I did see a few episodes of Robin Hood when it first aired in the states). Since watching a lot (a LOT) of the clips you have up I have decided that he is really, really dreamy and seems to be an excellent actor. I think I'll have to add him to my list of favorites, and I've rented North & South to watch tonight.

  2. Score! *giggle* Oh, he is! Both an excellent actor as well as dreamy. If you haven't completed your journey to the dark side just yet, try to read an interview with him and there's no going back.

    Will be interesting to see what you make of N&S! :D It has similarities with P&P except it's set some 30-40 years later and has trains, factories and union strikes. Which reminds me, I still need to write that review of the book (by Elizabeth Gaskell).

  3. Thanks for posting the longer trailer AND that fanvid is excellent!
    Kudos for scoring a new convert too! Hahaha!

  4. Oi. I just watched N&S. For the second time. I love it love it love it. Love. It. Buying the book tomorrow!

  5. Did you notice he was getting his shirt off in the fanvid? It's not quite the same as getting the WHOLE kit off (Spooks8, yum) but yay!

    @Phylly: One more and I get a toaster! ;D

    @Bee: They captured the book's characters very well in that adaptation, I thought. The stuff at the Great Exhibition isn't in there, so the brilliant thing between Henry (right? That guy who asks her to marry him at the beginning?) and Thornton isn't there, but oh, the end was so sweet. Ahh, that Mr. Thornton is a dream!

  6. Yeah, I think I'm still swooning. I went to one bookstore today and they had Cranford and Wives & Daughters but no N&S! So I just ordered a used copy on Amazon, I have another Darcy book to keep me occupied in the meantime.

    I have Spooks sitting in my netflix but they don't yet have the season(s?) with RA in them. I'm still gonna watch for Matthew M. And Rupert P-J. I also went ahead and added 3 seasons of Robin Hood, but I'll probably just skip around to all the Guy parts.

  7. RA is in seasons 7+8, i.e. the latest two. Still, like you point out, other seasons have MacFadyen and then RPJ. :) RH only has three seasons, and Guy is an often recurring character, fortunately! :D I think he's in every episode, save for two or three episodes or so in season 3 - in episode 6 he's joined by Toby Stephens as Prince John! :D

  8. Toby Stephens?!?! SAY NO MORE. I'll start watching it today!

    Speaking of RPJ I finally got around to watching the 1997 version of Jane Eyre. I'm saving all my thoughts for a post but I will say just this...What the Heck was up with his hair?!?! I know it shouldn't bother me as much as it did, but he's so handsome and that hair was just Silly in the extreme! Plus, who would have thought SJR would SMILE so much?

  9. Toby as PJ is a hoot. Sooo deliciously malicious. :D Waiting eagerly to read your post on JE'97, Bee!

  10. Wait no longer, I just posted it!


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