#FanstRA: Holding out for a hero

Today's Tag Teams: In freeform: Melanie on why Harry Kennedy is the perfect man • Rose Gisborne on which colors look best on Richard Armitage • Itsjsforme unveils Guy of Gisborne's latest public service announcements (not safe for work!) • In fandom, Fabo on Richard Armitage's statements about fans •  Gratiana Lovelace requests help captioning in "I'm Too Sexy for My T-Shirt!" • The Hobbit chain goes creative with The Queen on Hobbit quilts • Mrs. E.B. Darcy on Hobbit action figures! For King Richard Armitage, IngeD3 reviews the Michael Hicks biography of the fifteenth-century king In fanfic, John Thornton on why he loves Margaret Hale • Jo Ann introduces us to a new Armitage character she knows we'll love • Links to all FanstRA 3 posts appear here at the end of each day.

This post is inspired, but not exactly based on, Richard Armitage's character in The Golden Hour.

One of the most enduring romantic fantasies is that of the handsome doctor who will sweep us off our feet. A hero in a white coat. Or, in the case of Alec Track, an orange jumpsuit. Watching The Golden Hour I can't help but think about how well Dr. Track fits the fantasy bill. Handsome AND a doctor. A kind man who goes out and gets a CD-player for a comatose patient, no less. How can you not fall for that? So gallant, so brave, so goshdarn wonderful!

What we want in our lives, but most likely are missing, is a good, old-fashioned hero.

Now, playing the Big Damn Hero of the piece might not always befall Richard Armitage. Guy of Gisborne was not the hero of the piece. John Thornton was a romantic hero, as was Harry Kennedy, but neither was out to save the world and everyone in it. That task is rather given to characters like action man John Porter, and flying doctor Track.

Speaking of which, a nice, handsome doctor who saves lives by airlifting patients to hospital will always have my vote. In real life, I'm not smitten with the medical profession and will only go to the doctors if I really feel I have to, and don't necessarily agree with them and take everything they say as gospel. But I do have the biggest, squishiest soft spot you could ever imagine for Aussie 1980s TV-series The Flying Doctors. (Seriously, it's like crack to me.) So even if The Golden Hour is a completely different show - and, at least to me, there is no question of which show I'd rather watch, regardless of the actors involved - the mere idea of Richard Armitage as a flying doctor lifts the show.

Whose spirits wouldn't be lifted if the first face they saw when waking up was his? Really, it's what dreams are made of. In reality, however, we might not be so lucky. There are very few knights in shining armour about these days, but if you find one as lovely as Dr. Track - even if his ways of showing it left a little to desire - keep him (or her), because like Bonnie Tyler, I think we're all holding out for a hero ...


  1. Hi Traxy,
    I think that you're on to something here--the everyday bloke hero. Everyone can be and is a hero to someone else. We/they just don't know it yet.
    And Richard Armitage as everyday hero--whether it is Dr. Track, John Standring, John Thornton, and others--is so what we need in our often turbulent world. Dedication, kindness, compassion, professionialism--Richard Armitage has all of these traits and more.
    Cheers! Grati ;->

  2. I usually hate medical shows as I work in a hospital, but I was really attracted to Dr Track!!

    You're quite right about Drs not being like him in real life!! If they are as good looking as RA, it would generally go to their heads - they would all be admired too much by the patients .... I'm getting jaded .... I've worked around arrogant Drs too long :)

  3. Traxy, I think you're so right about our need for a hero.

    Dr. Track is the dream doctor for sure. I always think of the scene when the comatose patient wakes up and his face is the first thing she sees - she must have thought he was an angel. Who else looks that good in an orange jumpsuit!

  4. Another show I haven't seen, but after reading your post, will catch up on. I know I've been spending a lot of time watching RA, so it would seem that I'm fixated on certain characters like Gizzy or Lucas and I've been unfair towards the others ;)
    And he's the only person I can think of that can pull off an orange jump suit. Does he actually pull it off in the series, that's what I want to know ;)

  5. I can tell you for sure I would probably scare the patient back into a coma if I wore an orange jumpsuit. ;)

  6. If all doctors were gorgeous, ohh, that would be difficult. Incidentally, I went to a hospital to see a doctor maybe ten years ago now, and he was young and really good-looking. When I went to see my sister afterwards, she asked which one I had seen, and I said I didn't remember the name, so she asked if it was the young, handsome one - and it was! To top it off, I found out a few weeks later that the GP I saw at home (follow-up appointment), who was also young and handsome, had been classmates with the other guy in med school! Small world. :)

  7. Ohh yeah. I thought so, and the comments here and on the review seem to agree!


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