#FanstRA: You're the inspiration

Today's Tag Teams: In the beginning, Richard Armitage made scores of fans -- and he keeps on making them! To kick off the fandom chain, Didion converts friends to Armitage love • Phylly3 reports on her fandom experiences • In the Hobbit chain, Ana Cris writes on her recent film location visit • Mrs. E.B. Darcy speculates about what our hero will do in An Unexpected Journey (spoilers!) • King Richard Armitage chain begins with Maria Grazia on a film adaptation of Richard III • Beginning the fanfic chain, fedoralady explains fanfic's mainstream appeal • In the freeform chain, Fabo files an eyewitness report on Richard Armitage's visit to U.S. accent school • jazzbaby1 wonders "what were they thinking?" re: Lucas North's women • and ChrisB opens the Armitage Alphabet, with "A is for Action" • Links to all FanstRA 3 posts appear here at the end of each day.

This post is inspired, but not exactly based on, Richard Armitage's character in George Gently: Gently Go Man.

If you haven't seen the pilot episode of George Gently, you've missed some riveting acting. I was completely gobsmacked, watching Richard Armitage being interrogated as Ricky Deeming, in the same way that John Bateman was interrogated by Harry Price in Spooks. I wanted to stand up and applaud when the scene was over.

In the episode, Richard Armitage plays Ricky Deeming, the leader of a 1960s motorcycle gang that seem have more in common with the Scouts than Hell's Angels. One of the younger lads idolises Deeming, and wants to draw him. This, Deeming agrees to, because he's a kindly fellow. The drawing youth, however, has a crush on Deeming, but it's not made entirely clear whether or not this was ever reciprocated.

To see Richard Armitage fan art on the TV screen was a novel experience, and I almost burst out in giggles at the thought. There are so many incredibly talented artists out there, who have all been inspired to draw the likeness of Richard Armitage. Even if we're not very good at drawing, we make fanvideos on YouTube, write fanfiction on Wattpad, and if we don't even do that, we blog about him! How come he's such an inspiration to all of us?

Of course, there's the question of looks - no one can doubt he's a good-looking man - but looks alone don't generally make people take up art if they haven't been previously inclined. Is it because he's talented? This, again, we can't really question. If he was rubbish, he wouldn't be hired as an actor, and we wouldn't see him on screen, full stop. He also wouldn't be called in to be the leading man in several of BBC's prime time dramas, and he certainly would never have landed the second most important role in a major film franchise.

Or is it because he seems like such a nice guy? A true "boy next door"? Perhaps it's a winning combination of all three: good looks, incredible talent (and being humble about both!) and that Average Joe feeling, matched with a kind heart and a good head on those strong shoulders of his.

What is it about Richard Armitage that attracts and inspires you?


  1. This airs tonight on my local PBS station. I can't wait to see it now.

  2. Ooh, lovely! I really liked the show in general, and would like to see more of it, even without RA in it. :)

  3. You've made me want to watch it!! Answering your question... what atrracts me in RA is more than his good looks (I can't deny it... lol), but is his incredible talent and truth he shows and gives to each character!!

  4. I noticed the drawing in the background scene too! I wish more of RA's characters survived, LOL!

    1. Haha, yes!

      Oh, I wonder if there's a screenshot of that drawing anywhere.

  5. Ricky Deeming, one of my favourite bad boys ;o) Thank you, Traxy!

  6. I really liked his performance in GG. Such a contrast between Harry Kennedy and Ricky Deeming (and reportedly he was alternating work on both roles at the time of filming). I'm inspired by the way he gives depth to his characters and also impressed with his dedication to his work.

    1. Definitely. Didn't know he was filming both at the same time. That's impressive, as they are very different characters, like you say!

  7. I've never seen GG, but now I'm interested! :)

    1. You definitely should, it's very good. :)

  8. I might add the interrogation scene between John Mulligan and Ellie at the end of "Moving on: Drowning Not Waving".

    The way he really lives his chaRAchers is just wonderful!

    1. That's what made Mulligan extra convincing, and all the more chilling. :S

  9. As far as this program is concerned - what attracts me is Richard in leather with the flowing white scarf.

  10. I love that episode. I quite like the series as such and having RA in the pilot was a definite plus. You're right, the interrogation scene is awesome and RA gives it his all, as usual. I was always of the opinion that Ricky wasn't gay himself - or if he was, he wasn't ready to admit it to himself, let alone come out of the closet - based on his reaction when Lister briefly touches his face. Kept nicely ambiguous though, which I think works in the story's favour. Great review :-)

    1. Thanks! I'll bear that in mind next time I watch it, as it would be interesting to study. :)

  11. I haven't seen GG yet either, but RA as a bad boy, well, that can NEVER be a bad thing!

    1. He's not really a bad boy, though. He just pretends to be. Sort of. :)

  12. I really enjoyed RA's performance as Ricky Deeming. It was such a contrast to his other character, apart from the leather of course. The comparison of RD and JB being interrogated is interesting; the set-up of the interrogations was very similar but the characters couldn't have been more different.

    1. Yup, Bateman deserved everything he got. Deeming ... well, he's just a big softy, really.

  13. It's hard for me to say anymore what attracts me. As Angie would say, the whole package. But the roles play an important part in that. That he consistently obtained roles with such potential and then made such interesting moments out of them.

    1. Like Guy - meant to be a 2D baddie, ended up stealing the entire show.

  14. it's difficult to know exactly why an actor attracts me and even harder to know why he gives me the idea to start drawing !!!... I can not explain... but I notice that all his characters are intense, and deeply human... a bad guy is never entirely bad, and the good ones are never totally attractive... they are ambiguous and captivating... his expressive eyes are too ; ) and the way he moves complete the "whole package" as Angie says ; )

    1. [Here's where I miss that Blogger's own commenting system doesn't have a "LIKE" button on comments.]

  15. Great post, Traxy, and a good question!

  16. I think you hit the nail on the head in the last paragraph of your post. RA is a complete package - that's why we love him! I have a hold on the George Gently DVD at my local libray - it's on order and I'm anxiously awaiting it's arrival.

    1. Hope you enjoy it when you finally get to see it. :)

  17. What's so special in him? I'm still looking for the answer, Traxy. That's why I don't stop watching him in his several different works or reading about him. I also think that reading what other fans like in him may be of help. I might find the answer one day, but meanwhile ... I'll go on with my quest :-)

    1. It's a very enjoyable quest! :D Good luck with it!

  18. Hi Traxy,
    I agree. All of the above. Richard Armitage is a natural and gifted storyteller--and an all around nice guy.
    Cheers! Grati ;->

  19. Hello Traxy :) I really love his accent in this movie! Not really understanding what he is saying, but this is really rude sexy ;D Wonderful post :)

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean. Before I got used to hearing English being spoken, I could hardly tell voices apart and if they weren't speaking "the Queen's English", it was very difficult to follow what was being said. A Welsh accent was like speaking a different language, not to mention Scottish!! (Which I still can have trouble understanding over the phone.) Keep practicing, though, and it will get easier. :)

  20. You had me confused for a minute there with the mention of fanart LOL

    Love him as Ricky Deeming and consider the fanfiction based on it my favorite :)

    Too bad there never was a Ricky Deeming spin-off ..

    1. I don't read fanfic* personally, but I'll take your word for it.

      * Not counting the stuff people publish which is technically "Jane Eyre" fanfic. *cough*

  21. I first watched clips from the show on Youtube. Then of course the screencaps were magnificent! So I just recently bought the DVD! I had to get the first 3 episodes, as a package deal but its a good show so that was okay. I also noticed that "fanart" on the wall and it gave me a giggle. RA is the most intriguing actor I have ever laid eyes on. The more I find out about him, the more I want to know! His eyes have always been what I find the most arresting about him. I could drown in them.... :P

    1. You are so right.

      As for his eyes, I'm glad they're not that deep shade of brown I'm such a sucker for. Then he would be even MORE irresistible!


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