R.I.P. Columbo + more Batman news

With great sadness, we have learned of the death of  Columbo - Peter Falk. He was 83 years old when he died in Beverly Hills on Thursday. Apparently, he had suffered with dementia for a few years. Heard on the radio that he was fairly similar to his super sleuth character in real life. And "just one more thing ..." R.I.P. Peter Falk. You'll always be remembered - both as Columbo and as the grandfather in The Princess Bride.

In more positive news, Daniel Craig and Rachel Weisz have tied the knot. Congratulations! :)

Latest news from Nottingham: Last night, driving past some traffic lights near Wollaton Hall, saw a yellow temporary road sign saying "WB LOC" and an arrow pointing toward the Hall, which I tried taking a photo of today. Wasn't successful. (We stopped too far from the traffic lights and they weren't red for long enough.) It made me go "ooooh!!" in the car. A Warner Brothers location practically in our neck of the woods! How cool is that? Will see if I can manage to get a photo of it.

(image from Den of Geek)

As we were driving nearby today, first, we spotted an ambulance shooting past (we get lots of ambulances as there's a big hospital nearby) - the lights were on, but no sirens. Thought it was a bit odd. Going the other way an hour or two later, we saw at least two police cars going over the roundabout which leads to Wollaton Hall. They had lights and sirens on around the roundabout, but once they got off it, the sirens stopped and they went two different ways - both going near the Wollaton Hall grounds. In the sky, we also spotted what appeared to be a police helicopter hovering about. Could they be on the prowl for trespassers, perhaps?

Related to the Batman shoot: local radio station said they'd have three nights worth of night shoots coming up at the Hall this week. That's also quite exciting. :) I wonder if the cast are in town.


  1. Very sad about Colombo. I watched that quite a bit when I was growing up. But very happy for Daniel and Rachel. Hope they have a happy life together.

    And still no sightings of Christian Bale? Perhaps you need to get that batman signal light out... :D

  2. Yeah, Peter Falk's death came as a surprise. Sad to hear he's gone. :( He was, and always will be, a legend.

    Nope, no sightings of Christian Bale, although, I haven't exactly been patrolling the park's perimeters either. ;) (Besides, he'd probably just swear anyway, right?)


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