Pottermore ETA 60 minutes!

In an hour, JK Rowling will announce what Pottermore is. Speculation has been rife. Is it an MMO? The mere thought made me tingle the other day.

Other suggestions is that it's an eBookstore ... but she's not going to write more books about the Potterverse? Three leaked pictures of what appears to be screenshots show a shop front, a library and some books. Looks very good, except the thought of a site built entirely with Flash turns me right off. Perish the thought.

Perhaps it's some sort of encyclopaedia? That's an idea that would be AWESOME. When you're in a roleplaying game set in the Harry Potter world (but with your own characters), you tend to get extremely nerdy when it comes to details and any new spells, descriptions or explanations are lapped up with endless glee. It's like you're the plant from Little Shop of Horrors, demanding "FEED ME, SEYMORE!" So an encyclopaedia would be massively useful. Maybe we could get some information regarding what sort of subjects they study at Durmstrang and Beauxbatons and how those schools function? What you're taught at the Auror Academy? A list of wand cores? I drool at the idea.

There is of course the incredibly useful Harry Potter Lexicon, but that's been put together by fellow nerds who have gathered facts from the books, films and interviews. It doesn't have direct writing imput from JK Rowling herself. Steve Vander Ark put together a book version of the site, The Lexicon: An Unauthorized Guide to Harry Potter Fiction and Related Materials which is a great tool when it was finally able to be released. (You may remember the lawsuit. Incidentally, RDR Books have now closed down, according to their website.)

A memo was leaked to The Independent, containing a marketing strategy. No way of knowing exactly yet if it's real or just a PR stunt. It's an hour to go, and then we'll find out.

Meanwhile, let's get #Pottermore trending on Twitter! :D


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