All this talk of hobbits ...

...has put this song firmly back in my head:

Cheers for this, Erwin Beekveld. You legend, you.

Also, I've started re-reading The Hobbit. Bilbo is whiny, Thorin is a know-it-all and the dwarves are generally incompetent buffoons so far, and they have just encountered some trolls.


  1. Hey, I can't see the you mind posting a link and/or its name? Thanks. Also: C'mon! Give the dwarves some credit! They haven't been doing this whole adventuring thing very long, and it was raining REALLY hard when they tried to light that fire! ;)

  2. It's called "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard". Extremely catchy tune!

    Also: LOL! :D


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