Join the Wuthering Heights Week!

Crazy about Cathy? Hankerin' for Heathcliff?
Join the Wuthering Week here at The Squeee,
11-15 July 2011!

If Wuthering Heights is your thing, or even if it isn't, join in! I'm looking for fellow Brontëites to guest blog about Wuthering Heights in one way or another during this week. Love it? Hate it? Both work! Please email me ASAP at to sign up! :)

Special guest during the week will be author Kay Woodward (who wrote the smashing Jane Airhead), whose new young adult novel Wuthering Hearts is out in July. She'll be making a stop on her blog tour here on July 13th. Can't wait! I'll be posting a review of Wuthering Hearts and anything else is up to you. :)


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