Jane Eyre '11 - FIVE clips and counting!!!

Excuse me while I go squeee for a bit. These are in chronological order from when they appear in the book.

1. "When will I meet Miss Fairfax?"

2. After the fire

3. Rochester tries to get his feelings across to Jane

Watch it on iVillage because they don't allow embedding. BOO!!

4. The proposal scene

5. Jane Elliott and the Rivers siblings



  1. The Jane Eyre 2006 DVD is my favorite adaptation. Ruth Wilson and Toby Stephens was spectacular in that version. It would be hard topping that but I'm looking forward to watching the 2011 film nonetheless. :)

  2. WOW St. John is extreeeemely good looking!! Although I think he looks and comes across as a little bit "Bingley", or is that just me?

    Mr. Rochester's looking very handsome too (a little young, though, I think) :D And darn, he's good! The intensity when he was putting that flower in her hair...!


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