Reminder: English Heritage Open Days

For those who are inclined to look at old buildings, a bunch of them will be open next weekend. Amongst those, North Lees Hall in Hathersage (Derbyshire). Thursday and Friday by appointment, open 10-16 Saturday and Sunday.

One thing I didn't realise until ... yesterday is that North Lees Hall is actually not just some country house you can go visit whenever you like. It's a holiday cottage. Rent-a-castle or perhaps rather rent-a-manor. Which means, the only time you can see the place on the inside is on one of these open days - unless you want to cough up £455 for a three-night stay in the winter (low season), or a whole lot more during the summer months. The place does sleep six, though, so if you're a few people, you can always stay together for a few nights and share the cost. Wouldn't it be fun to get six Jane Eyre-ites together for a weekend at the place that inspired Thornfield? :)

Anyway. This realisation, i.e. it's open day or I won't get to see it on the inside at all (or at least not any time soon), means the Squeeze and I are going sightseeing this weekend! Wooh! North Lees Hall! Thornfield! Morton! Eyre family! Charlotte Brontë's inspiration! :D



  1. Good for you Traxy! You are so lucky to be so close to all those fabulous places. I'm glad your Squeeze doesn't mind accompanying you.

  2. I'm quite glad too - there's bugger all to see where I come from in Sweden! Except for nature, perhaps, which isn't bad (you've got tons of the stuff in Canada, says pictures - can I have nature envy?), but not a lot of old mansions or castles in my neck of the woods. Here, they seem to be all over the place so we're spoiled for choice! :)

    Hubby's a darling and it's always more fun to go exploring together. No to mention they can always drag you away at closing time so you don't start to take root and forget to go home! ;)


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