
Showing posts with the label The Squeee


Oh this new-fangled technology ... ;) You may add me if you like! It's a public profile, so to speak ... The real one shall be kept private for now. Traxy Thornfield Create your badge

Happy birthday to ... Squeee!

I can't believe it's been a year already! There are some posts that were posted pre-24 August 2009 but that's because I imported them from another blog, as I thought they fitted better here than there. (Had a bit of a re-structure a while back.) Nooo, today - a year ago - The Squeee was created with the very first post, Fangirls Anonymous . Aww. Began writing here because I never really got into blogging, just like I can't get into writing a diary, because unlike the masses, I really don't think my life is interesting enough to share with the world. If I wrote about things instead of writing letters to friends and family with little updates on what's going on in my life here in the UK, that's one thing. But umm, it also wouldn't be interesting. Then there's the thing about having an actual topic for blogging, which I haven't had - it's always been a bit "I hate my job" or the odd thought that has struck me, or something that&#

I'm not ignoring you - my email's b0rked

If anyone's been trying to contact me by email and have failed to get a response - I'm not being rude, I just haven't received your email (if you've had a mailer daemon response, it's obvious I haven't, but I'm not sure my domain sends those out). Okay, true, I can be pretty damn awful in responding to emails (or Facebook messages) sometimes, but if someone sends me an email to do with this blog, I tend to be so happily surprised and delighted that I answer straight away, as opposed to "yeah, I'll respond to that later. *six months on* Oh... umm... well, it's a bit late now, really, isn't it? *cough*" which is not a rare occurrence, unfortunately. Procrastination's a bitch. Or rather, I'm procrastination's bitch. So I'm really sorry if you've tried to contact me and think I'm ignoring you because I've not responded to you - I'm definitely not ignoring you, it's just that my contact details have be

Random acts of statistics again!

Back in the end of March this year , I posted some blog statistics, because I was supposed to be doing schoolwork and therefore made myself busy doing something completely different. As it turned out, I figured my blog was about 1/5 about Richard Armitage. Now that I have 50 posts labelled "Richard Armitage" and 50 labelled "Jane Eyre", I'm curious to see what that does. Okay, here's a nice picture of a graph: How many times labels have been used, yo. Now, I've used labels 706 times in total, separated over 329 different things (phew!), and 232 posts have been published. Of the ones used ten or more times, we have: Jane Austen (10) - 4.31% of total posts have this label Toby Stephens (10) - 4.31% too, of course Emily Brontë (11) - 4.74% Spooks (12) - 5.17% Wuthering Heights (12) - 5.17% too, funny that ... Strike Back (14) - 6.03% Charlotte Brontë (18) - 7.76% ...then there's a minute, miniscule and minimal leap to: Jane Eyre (50

Slight change of template

The problem with using templates that aren't endorsed by Blogger themselves is that they don't necessarily update whenever Blogger does. And Blogger have made a whole number of changes recently. Therefore, I have decided to switch to one of the official Blogger templates - and tinker with it a bit to make it look almost like it did before (which means using the same background image, as I rather liked it - the pre-chosen ones that were of a similar kind were ugwy). Now, if Blogger updates, I should be able to sit back and relax and have the new features by the click of a button. So, what do you think of the new template? :)

Gremlins attack the poll!

'What the deuce!' came the cry from out yonder. 'It wasn't like that earlier today, I'm sure of it! Something's broken the poll!' I'll get Hercule Poirot, Jane Marple, Tom Barnaby, Kurt Wallander, Nancy Drew and all the rest on the case and see if I can fix it, or if the poll has to be re-made. 'Stoopid bleedin' thing,' Traxy muttered under her breath, going to the layout page, pressing "Save" just to see if it does anything. 'There,' she says, casting a suspicious eye at the blog front page. 'I think I fixed it.' Possible culprit? A very cute gremlin if she was. :)

I can has awards!

Woke up this morning (which was, by the time of posting, in January) to find I had not just received one award, but in fact three! I've never had a blog get an award before. :) Many thanks to Avalon for these - if you haven't already, do go and have a look at her wonderful blog! I'm trying to pass them on to people who have not received the award(s) before, but if any of them have... well, have another one. :) For this, you need to list ten things that make you happy, so here goes (and I'll seriously try to not just fill up the list with actors, movies or books *cough*): Cats, particularly my darling Daisy Stationary - a brand new notebook or notepad and a pen and I'm in heaven! Going to the cinema Good food Getting surprise flowers from my husband Heck, my husband in general! :) Snow - this winter has been fab in that respect! Animals in general Writing, of course! Random acts of kindness This one, I'd like to dedicate to my friends: isdock

Question of the week: Darcy or Thornton?

There's a reason for pitting these two men against each other. Essentially, because P&P and N&S are similar in many ways. Just because a lot of you are fans of Richard Armitage and thus biased toward Mr. Thornton... well, it doesn't mean everyone is! Or does it? Read And Find Out! :D Okay, yeah, so I still haven't got over the fact that Darcy beat Rochester in the previous poll (14 vs 7). Y'all are just WRONG on that one. *sniff* :P No, really. Darcy might've been what got me into costume dramas, but Rochester and Thornton are what's keeping me hooked. And a bunch of others too, admittedly, but I need to get to bed and if I were to list them all, I'd be up all night!

Random acts of statistics

Here's what you get when you're procrastinating from school work. *cough* I've looked at all the labels of the (currently, before posting this) 152 posts of this blog (6 of which are currently drafts). I knew the most frequently used one was "Richard Armitage", but how many per cent of my blog posts are RA-centric? A lot. :) I've used 433 labels in total. Out of those, 175 I've only used once, making up 40.42% of the total. Labels used two to five times go up to 127 (29.33%). I was wondering if it was better to leave the 5x left, because it contains some rather nice topics (namely: Alan Rickman, Harry Potter, Modern Talking and Toby Stephens) but decided not to in the end, and rather focus on the 6x or more, making the remainder of the list thus: Emma (6 labels) 1.39% Ken Olin (6 labels) 1.39% Sam Neill (6 labels) 1.39% Jane Austen (7 labels) 1.62% Robin Hood (7 labels) 1.62% Emily Brontë (8 labels) 1.85% Genevieve O'Reilly (8 labels) 1.85%

19 new/old posts

Because I'm a big believer in recycling and there was Earth Hour a few hours ago and all, I decided to import some stuff from my longest running blog, Rants & Raves , which is my personal blog in English. (Or maybe I did it just because I wanted to try out the import and export function of Blogger. That's for me to know and for you to not be interested in in the slightest. ;)) R&R used to be the blog which had the most posts, but umm, this one has moved ahead... a lot. I have no idea why. *cough* Now you'll be able to find a handful of posts from 2007 and 2008 here, and also some new posts from 2009. It adds a review of Bill Bailey's Tinselworm tour, Rik Mayall's The New Statesman stage show (although it's not much of a review, to be honest), and my opinion on BBC's Robin Hood , season three - prior to be a total RA fangirl. And some other bits and bobs I thought might fit in here. Here's a run-down of what's been added:  ►  2009 (

New look!

I was going to create my own layout, but I haven't had any inspiration for how it would look. That, and the fact that I couldn't quite be bothered to make a template that's perfectly Blogger compatible as there's soooooo much extra code that goes into it that I haven't quite figured out where to begin. *cough* Today, I decided to google Blogger templates (the default ones are terribly boring) and found one I quite liked and I think would fit with the blog. So, this is the new look, called Club Red. What do you think? Better or worse or the same, just different? :) The background is similar to what I had in mind, and if there's already a finished template, weeeeell... no work and all play! ;) I might still decide to make my own template, but at least this is a bit more interesting in the meantime. (Not that any attempt of mine would look better than this one, I have to admit!)

Season's greetings

I'm a little bit late with this (sorry!), mainly due to having had a busy Xmas and having a less than charming cold at the same time. :( Hope you've all had a lovely time, celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, or whatever religious denomination floats your boat. I quite like the term "Xmas" because it's nicely unspecific, even though technically the X comes from the Greek letter pronounced "chi" or something, which is used when you start to spell "Christ", but still. Big letter X:es are good, they remind me of The X-Files . ;) Anyway. It's that time of year, and I'd like to wish everyone a splendidly Merry Xmas (retroactively) and a fantastically Happy New Year :D The little fella on the top was found somewhere online a number of years back and used to come out around this time of year at my old Thomas Anders fansite, Weidungs Welt! ... and I went and got him out again, along with this old photo manip: 'Tis t

Fangirls Anonymous

Did I create this blog in order to go nuts with what I do best, i.e. fangirling? Kind of. I didn't want to clog up my usual blog too much by just rambling on and on and on and on and on about whatever it is that is my squee of the month, so I thought, hey, I'd have a special place for that. This is it. If what makes me squee makes you squee, let's squee together. I'd love to see links to pictures, video clips, music and such that will help alleviate the boredom of rainy days or when you feel a bit down. If we do not share squee:s, maybe you can win me over. It takes very little to get me going when I find something I like. First thing's first. What the hell is squee anyway? (Yes, it should be with two and not three E:s but "thesquee" was taken as a domain, 'k?) The Urban Dictionary defines the word as "A noise primarily made by an over-excited fangirl, however it has spread rapidly and is now widely spread among the web community." I wil