#FanstRA Happy St Patrick's Day and THANK YOU!


Happy St Patrick's Day! :)

And "Happy FanstRA!", for the last time this year. I hope the week has been good both for readers and participants - it's certainly kept me busy! There have been so many great posts out there over the past week, I admit I haven't had a chance to go through them all yet.

There are a few hours yet for those of you in the Americas, but FanstRA week officially ends in about half an hour from me writing this.

A big THANK YOU to all the participants. You've been absolutely AMAZING! :D There have been posts out there that have made me laugh out loud, giggle uncontrollably, drool, get hungry from (ARmyofchefs, I'm looking at you!), and just feel really proud of Richard Armitage and all his wonderful fans.

A special thank you also goes out to these lovely ladies (in alphabetical order) for making F4 happen:

  • angelfish69 for the beautiful participant banners
  • Frenz being a WordPress guru, and keeping the Twitter account going
  • Gratiana for spreading the word in RA groups on Facebook
  • Nat for being the original instigator of FanstRA back in 2010
  • Tannni for the lush header banners on the website
  • The person, who wishes to remain anonymous, who registered the fanstravaganza.com and fanstra.com domains for all our benefit. :)

There might still be some posts left out there that have been missed out, but they will be added to the site over the course of the week and consequently posted to the FanstRA page on Facebook, so stay tuned. I'll also try to collect all links to posts into a page, so it's nice and easy to find in the future.

Anyway, I hope you've had fun this week, regardless of if you've been a participant or a reader, and that the answer to "when shall we meet again?" is "FanstRA5 if not before!" Because oh gosh, there are so many new blogs to follow and link to!

Once again, RA fandom has shown it can be truly awesome, and that's why it's so much fun to participate. :)

Thanks everyone! Time for bed!

P.S. Let's leave talk about F5 for a while because if I have to type the word "FanstRAvaganza" again for the next few months, I may have to throw 3" Thorin across the room and scream. ;)

Click image to see all posts from FanstRAvaganza 4!


  1. Hi Traxy,

    Thanks so much for your kind words in mentioning me above.

    But kudos really go to you and the other ladies. Brava! Take a bow!

    And I vote for you organizing F5!

    Cheers! Grati ;->

  2. Fabulously organised, Traxy. You must have been a cat herder in a previous life. Well done, and thank you!


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