Fangirls Anonymous

Did I create this blog in order to go nuts with what I do best, i.e. fangirling? Kind of. I didn't want to clog up my usual blog too much by just rambling on and on and on and on and on about whatever it is that is my squee of the month, so I thought, hey, I'd have a special place for that. This is it.

If what makes me squee makes you squee, let's squee together. I'd love to see links to pictures, video clips, music and such that will help alleviate the boredom of rainy days or when you feel a bit down. If we do not share squee:s, maybe you can win me over. It takes very little to get me going when I find something I like.

First thing's first. What the hell is squee anyway? (Yes, it should be with two and not three E:s but "thesquee" was taken as a domain, 'k?) The Urban Dictionary defines the word as "A noise primarily made by an over-excited fangirl, however it has spread rapidly and is now widely spread among the web community." I will be using this word in a variety of ways, such as a verb (to squee - which is what you do when you go "Squeee!" over something) or a noun (a squee - a person or happening that makes you go squee). In that way, it's not entirely unlike the word "smurf", although "smurf" admittedly has more varied uses and "squee" is a bit more specific.

So what's the squee of the moment? Richard Armitage, a British actor. Why? Because he's tall, dark, handsome, lovely and a brilliant actor and... (yes, I can go on. At great length. Trust me. ;))

My current wallpaper: Guy of Gisborne by Angelfish.

Squee central: (where I go to get my fangirl fix) The Armitage Army and C19.

Favourites: Sexy Back 2 and Womanizer.

*dies*: "Lie down." (from a Between the Sheets clip - amazing what you can find if you only disable the SafeSearch option on Google Images...)

I'm not planning on making this a RA blog... Just... that's where I'll start, I think...


  1. I am very happy to squee with you! RA all the way!


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