Season's greetings

I'm a little bit late with this (sorry!), mainly due to having had a busy Xmas and having a less than charming cold at the same time. :( Hope you've all had a lovely time, celebrating Christmas, Hanukkah, Yule, Kwanzaa, or whatever religious denomination floats your boat. I quite like the term "Xmas" because it's nicely unspecific, even though technically the X comes from the Greek letter pronounced "chi" or something, which is used when you start to spell "Christ", but still. Big letter X:es are good, they remind me of The X-Files. ;)

Anyway. It's that time of year, and I'd like to wish everyone a splendidly

Merry Xmas
and a fantastically
Happy New Year


The little fella on the top was found somewhere online a number of years back and used to come out around this time of year at my old Thomas Anders fansite, Weidungs Welt! ... and I went and got him out again, along with this old photo manip:

'Tis the season to be silly, falalalala lalalala

Now, I wonder if it's possible to start using the phrase "Squeemas" instead, just for the sake of it. If I start now, maybe it will have caught on by December next year. Whatcha reckon? ;)


  1. A cold at this time of year? I feel bad for you. Was it the rain?

  2. Glad to receive your Christmas greetngs though retroactively and your wishes for the New Year. Hope you are having the best of the season despite your bad cold! Best wishes and ... take care!

  3. @Ragtag: Yup, 'tis also the season to be cold. At least it could be worse - could be the SWIIIINE FLUUUUU! *runs around waving arms* Nah, not been a lot of rain, it's just that time of year. Just a shame, as it's off to Sweden to spend New Year's with the family tomorrow, and not really feeling like I'd want to spend X hours travelling. :( Oh well. Hope you have a great 2010! :)

    @Maria: I'm doing my best, and right now, should be packing and stuff, but umm, I'd rather be in bed! :/ Hope you had a great Christmas and hope you'll have a great 2010! :)

  4. Happy New Year Traxy and have fun in Sweden! Hope you feel better soon. I had a sinus cold over Christmas and was pretty tired most of the time so I understand how you feel. Still, at least I didn't have to drag myself into work every day!


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