19 new/old posts

Because I'm a big believer in recycling and there was Earth Hour a few hours ago and all, I decided to import some stuff from my longest running blog, Rants & Raves, which is my personal blog in English. (Or maybe I did it just because I wanted to try out the import and export function of Blogger. That's for me to know and for you to not be interested in in the slightest. ;)) R&R used to be the blog which had the most posts, but umm, this one has moved ahead... a lot. I have no idea why. *cough*

Now you'll be able to find a handful of posts from 2007 and 2008 here, and also some new posts from 2009. It adds a review of Bill Bailey's Tinselworm tour, Rik Mayall's The New Statesman stage show (although it's not much of a review, to be honest), and my opinion on BBC's Robin Hood, season three - prior to be a total RA fangirl. And some other bits and bobs I thought might fit in here.

Here's a run-down of what's been added:

 ►  2009 (3)
    ►  August (1) (fandom)
    ►  July (1) (post-Robin Hood s3)
    ►  March (1) (pre-Robin Hood s3)

►  2008 (7)
    ►  September (2) (Robert Jordan, Sam Neill)
    ►  August (1) (The X-Files)
    ►  July (2) (JK Rowling, Ken Olin)
    ►  June (1) (Monty Python vs Harry Potter)
    ►  April (1) (The X-Files)

►  2007 (9)
    ►  November (1) (Bill Bailey)
    ►  September (1) (Robert Jordan)
    ►  July (2) (HP7)
    ►  June (2) (The Flying Doctors, Animaniacs)
    ►  May (2) (Douglas Adams, Rik Mayall)
    ►  February (1) (Jeremy Kyle)

Oh yes, and I put LinkWithin back again. I sort of missed it.


  1. Good stuff! I have been recovering from surgery and have missed your blog!


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