#FanstRA Introducing 3" Thorin

Welcome to FanstRAvaganza 4 here at The Squeee! This week, I've invited a very special little friend - he's not 5 foot tall, in fact, he only measures about 3.5 inches. He calls himself Thorin Oakenshield. I call him 3" Thorin (Three Inch Thorin). For this week, there will be two kinds of posts:

There is a lot of things you wish to get off your chest when you are the King Under the Mountain, and there are so many things you have seen over the years that you can offer simple yet profound advice to everyone else. This is what 3" Thorin is offering in Conversations with 3" Thorin.*

This week will also see the introduction of Ask 3" Thorin feature, which is 3" Thorin's advice column that is meant to be a regular feature here even after the end of FanstRA4. Ask him a question, and he'll give you personal advice on whatever it is you want to know. It's 3" Thorin the agony aunt on Thursdays.

To ask for 3" Thorin's advice on anything, you can drop him an email at askthorin@traxy.co.uk and your question will be replied to on Thursday Sunday! (Regular schedule will be on Thursdays, but the premiere will be on Sunday.)

* Yes, this is totally a play on Neale Donald Walsch's Conversations with God. For teh lulz.

Click image to see all posts from FanstRAvaganza 4!


  1. Yay - very curious now to find out what kind of agony uncle Thorin is going to turn out to be. The benign elder, the crazy older brother, the batty old aunty?
    Thanks for organising all this, btw. Enjoying it immensely so far.

    1. At the moment, I think "sarcastic step-brother" would be the best description, but I hope he'll perk up a bit by Thursday. ;)

  2. Well, Thorin is wearing an old fur coat that looks like Aunt Bea(of The Andy Griffith Show) might have liked. Ha! So of course he is the agony Aunt. Giggles! Happy Fanstra!

    1. Oh he won't be very happy about that one! LOL!

      Happy FanstRA! :D

  3. I would like to ask Thorin if I can shampoo and condition his hair.

  4. Hi 3" Thorin, nice to meet you!

    and for Traxy, happy FanstRA4! Thanks for organizing it...

    1. Happy FanstRA! Thanks, hope you're enjoying the madness. :)

      3" Thorin sends his regards.

  5. Can't wait to see what 3" Thorin has to say!


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