Guilty Pleasures: Britney Spears

What's your guilty pleasure? Here's one of mine ... and I feel more than a little embarrassed to admit it, but that's why they call it "guilty pleasures" after all. Britney Spears. There, I said it.

It started the very first time I saw Baby ... One More Time on TV, which was when it first came out, so help me gods. But then again, when the talented Heathra makes videos like this, it feels just a tad bit acceptable anyway, don't you think? ;)

But actually, I'm nearly as likely to cheer gleefully over the steamy original, and Womanizer needs to be available to download for Singstar, godsdamnit, not just a bunch of her crappy songs I don't like!

Heaven On Earth is a song I first heard on the radio (it's not a single, but it's on one of the albums - and for the record, no, I don't have all of her albums ... only a couple *cough*) and instantly fell in love with it. In fact, it could only be improved if it was sung by someone else (Thomas Anders springs to mind, squeeee!!), but hell, I love the melody regardless:

And the classic:

That's it for this week's confessions. I've told you mine now, so what's your guilty pleasure?


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