Counting down to Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Nine hours (ish) until Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and it's very distracting. It's about six hours (not as if I'm counting down or anything ... *cough*) until we see Part 1, because the Squeeze got us tickets for the double bill. Part 1 followed by Part 2, yay! The only midnight showings were for the 3D version of the movie, but as we weren't too impressed last time, and this is a movie that I really care about (Green Lantern? Yeah, whatever!), I didn't want to screw it up by needing special glasses.

Unless they're Spectrespecs

And the only way we could see the film in 2D at midnight on opening day is to see the double bill. So that's what we've got tickets for. Also, it's great seeing both parts together, as of course the novel was split in two, so this is like JK Rowling intended. Awesomes. :)

We were originally going to see it in the morning, but we have a wedding to attend tomorrow, so don't want to rush about, and besides, WHO CAN WAIT THAT LONG?! We were hoping for 2D Premiere Seating tickets, but they either didn't have any or they were sold out or something like that. Premiere Seating means snazzy seats and like twice the price of a normal ticket. We've talked about it before, but never got any, because ... well, they're twice the price. But for this one, seeing as how it's my birthday tomorrow ... maybe we could. But then, yeah, no tickets. So just normal seats. For like 5-6 hours of Harry Potter. Our bums are going to be so sore.

I was going to write this post about something else, but I'll just rant on about Potter anticipation instead because ... well, I did mention being very distracted today. ^^ POTTERPOTTERPOTTER!!

One of the blogs I follow is Lindsay's Confessions of a Bookworm. She was fortunate enough to win tickets to the red carpet premiere in New York the other day. So happy for her! It was great following her tweets on the day (while watching MTV's live stream) and she has posted about the visit too - with pictures! (Potter envy? I has it. Big time.)

In the USA, Canada and UK and a number of other places, the film opens at 00:01 tonight, 15 July 2011. Other countries had the same thing at 00:01 today (14 July), and in Sweden and a number of other countries, the darn thing opened at 00:01 yesterday (13 July). No fair! My Swedish Potter pals insist that we're the lucky ones, because we still have it to look forward to. Maybe so, but still ... ME WANT POTTER NOW!

Been told to bring lots of tissues. Aww. First we're going to have a re-run of the tears shed during Deathly Hallows: Part 1 and then all the new tears of more tragic events, Hogwarts being torn to smithereens (ANGUISH!!), and it being the last movie. And I do have a tendency to get weepy on occasion. Wanna bet there will be crying tonight?

Worth waiting for

I even brought my HP-branded Gryffindor scarf with me to work today. :) I just remember pre-ordering something (possibly Prisoner of Azkaban on DVD along with some sort of HP-related book?) from WH Smith and there was such a delay in getting the book in stock that as a "sorry about the wait", they gave me a free scarf. Win! It's not as nice as my Ravenclaw scarf, but still.

The first time I went to see a Potter movie, I went with my mum, as she had started to read the books too. The first film. I wore my black, pointy witch hat and I remember a child gasping and saying to [his or her] mum, a slightly awe-struck "Look, a witch!" It was kinda cute. Last night, I was thinking that I really wanted to find that hat, because I would love to wear it for this premiere. Not just because it's the only time I can dress up like a (Ravenclaw) student without people thinking I'm nuts, but because I wore it when I went to see Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone back in the day. Wearing the hat would be coming full circle, of sorts. Suddenly, it felt important. Luckily, I found it.

And in the time it's taken me to write this post and do some other bits, we're now almost a whole hour closer to midnight. Squeee!

Will you be seeing the film at midnight or are you waiting? Will you dress up? As what? Have you already seen it, perhaps? (Please don't give spoilers here. Not necessarily for my sake, but for other people who might be reading.)


  1. Lucky you. A double bill would be great. But that is quite the time commitment.
    Happy Birthday! Have a great time!

  2. Seeing Part 1 and Part 2 together will be great! I'm going to see Part 2 on Saturday (which is the earliest I physically can) and I really cannot wait! Very, very excited. Perhaps I'll even don my wizard hat for the occasion :') Have fun!


  3. phylly3: Thanks! :) It was great to see one after the other. There was about 30 min break inbetween the two, so enough to stretch your legs and such, and then straight back. I wasn't working the next day, so 9:15pm to 2am wasn't really an issue.

    Abby: Hope you have a great time and enjoy the film! :) Wizard hats are the way to go! (Just take it off when the film starts, or those behind might start casting hexes on you. ;))


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