Jane Eyre '11 - release dates - not good news

BrontëBlog are reporting some very much awaited release dates for Jane Eyre 2011. Here's me thinking merrily that it'll have a release 11 March, or at least thereabouts. Wrong!

In chronological order:

11 March 2011 - USA (limited)
7 April 2011 - Australia
14 April 2011 - Germany
9 June 2011 - The Netherlands
9 September 2011 - UK
23 September 2011 - Spain
September 2011 - Denmark

So basically, the country of origin of the story itself will have to wait until bloody SEPTEMBER before we can see the film?! WHAT THE HELL?! Is there no justice in the world?! :'( Guess I'll have to change the countdown clock on my computer and set it +6 months. Goshdarnit. Really disappointed now! Not to mention incredibly jealous of the Aussies.

The only thing that makes me not despair completely is what Michael Fassbender had to say about Mr. Rochester:

"A Byronic character burnt by experience, arrogant but also eloquent and introspective. He's world-weary and jaded, sensual, self-destructive; yet there's a good sense of humor in there, and at the end of the day a good heart. He sees the freshness and beauty in Jane when everybody else looks past her."

It bodes well for Team Rochester. Gold star right there, mister. You might win us over yet.

Mr. Rochester, you had me at "What the deuce". *sigh*


  1. Ok...I'm actually shocked that the US is getting this movie so far in advance of the UK...normally the exact opposite is true. Weird! But since it falls in my favor this time around I can't complain.

    And that quote is fantastic! That, and the 2nd picture, which is the best picture I've seen yet of Fassbender as Rochester, is getting me really excited!

  2. Yes I know Ruth, we usually get the movie last but we are lucky this time.
    Hope you both have a Happy New Year!

  3. Why is it taking so looooong!? *pouts and stomps foot*

  4. That doesn't make any sense!?! Lucky for the internet and youtube.

  5. Hi, just thought I'd let you know the Aussies aren't that much more fortunate! I am from Perth, WA and checked my cinema's 'coming soon' page.... "Jane Eyre" won't be released until August! Very disappointed :(

  6. Aww they've changed it for Australia? What a shame! :( You have my sincere condoleances.


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