Richard Armitage - Mr. Sportypants

One of the things Richard Armitage is very fond of is sports. He likes skiing and seems to have looked into buying a little chalet in the French Alps (or how else would he actually know how much one costs?). In one interview, when talking about extreme sports, the interviewer said something about he wouldn't fancy a holiday on a river boat, Richard quickly - and emphatically - said "No!"

I could do a whole post about him training until he throws up in preparation for Strike Back, good locations for skiing in the Alps (Chamonix maybe? Isn't that one they normally show on telly when there's winter sports on?), he wasn't keen on swimming when he took the role as Lee in Cold Feet and I've mentioned already that he enjoys watching rugby. So he keeps himself active.

However, if there's a topic I care very little for, it's sports. And I thought there has been far too few piccys of Himself this week (especially today), so I went looking for something sporty. So I found this:

... And now I've completely lost my train of thought.

This post is part of FanstRAvaganza 2, a Richard Armitage fanblogging event running 14-21 March 2011. See all FanstRAvaganza posts from this blog. This year's other participants: An RA viewer's perspective from 33°0'S of the equator, Avalon's Blog, CDoart, Confessions of a Watcher, From the Quill Tip, Me + Richard, Mesmered's Blog, Nevermind, Mr. Armitage, Phylly's Faves, RA Frenzy, The RA Fan Blog, RA Vids & Graphics, The Spooks Fan Blog, and White Rose Writing.


  1. He's kind of an all rounder isn't he. He plays a number of musical instruments and then keeps really fit. I think I have this stereotypical view that the person who is interested in arts and who is musical may not be good at sport. (That happens in our family).

  2. On one of the radio interviews, the interviewer mentioned that stars of the soaps have strict contracts that prohibit them from taking part in certain sports and activities. I am glad that it seems RA is not under such guidelines. Live life and have fun!

  3. Actually, there was one interview where he said that most of the time he was under contract not to do dangerous things and that he enjoyed skiing but had to do it when he wasn't under contract.

    I think anytime you find a place you really like to vacation and then start adding together the cost of going there every year or repeatedly you start to wonder whether you couldn't just buy an apartment ... I'd love to own an apt in the city where I do most of my research. Unfortunately I could only afford in conjunction with other researchers, and we'd all want to be there at the same time :(

  4. HAHAHA!
    Love the play-by-play speedo pics.

  5. ROFLOL!!!!

    As for being distracted, I'm not a speedo fan, but the chest on that guy is incredible.

  6. mulubinba: Yeah, a bloody dreamboat is what we call people like him! LOL!

    bccmee: I think that was the interview in question, actually. I think that's how they came to talk about it.

    servetus: Yeah, so a timeshare deal wouldn't really work very well, by the sounds of it. A lot of people in Sweden have holiday homes - cottages in the countryside where they go on holidays to "get away from it all". My parents never have, though, they have a caravan instead. :)

    Nat: Ohh yes, definitely! Don't know who put it together, but we're all grateful for the effort! ;)

    RAFrenzy: Aww hell yeah! :D Could really do without the budgee smugglers - would probably look better in a pair of boxers.


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