Richard Armitage - A Most Charitable Man

Yesterday was Red Nose Day here in Britain and it saw Comic Relief getting over £74 million to projects in Africa and the UK. Credit crunch? Not when it comes to being charitable! :) Richard Armitage is doing his bit for charity as well. He did a 24-hour thing at the Old Vic last year, which was a fundraiser for the theatre, and together with the Vicar of Dibley team (thanks for the reminder, MG!), he was in a sketch for Comic Relief in 2007:

There are also these funny clips from BBC Children in Need a few years ago:

Guy being charitable? Well, of course not!

(I love Guy's final line. Bitter much?)

Instead of just accepting gifts that his fans send him, Richard Armitage has instead urged fans to NOT send him anything, and have given away most of the gifts to charities. Good on him! He also reminds us that he's fine as he is, no need to send him any money or anything, so instead, could we please think of those who are not as well off as he is and give it to them? His chosen charities are these:

Barnado's, a charity for vulnerable children and teenagers. They run a number of orphanages in the UK. You can make a donation through Richard Armitage's Barnado's fundraising page on JustGiving.

ChildLine, a free 24 hour counselling service for children and teenagers, run by the NSPCC, and deals with any issues causing distress or concern, such as child abuse, bullying and sex. You can make a donation through Richard Armitage's ChildLine fundraising page on JustGiving.

Shelter, a charity that campaigns to end homelessness and bad housing. It gives advice, information and help to people in need, and lobbies government and local authorities to improve the lives of the homeless and badly housed. You can make a donation through Richard Armitage's Shelter fundraising page on JustGiving.

The Salvation Army, known for charity busking around towns all over the world, have been around since 1865 and is a Christian organisation that work with charity in many different ways. You can make a donation through Richard Armitage's Salvation Army fundraising page on JustGiving.

The Salvation Army are not to be confused with the Armitage Army, although you could say the latter has managed to raise an astonishing £10,828.13 (at the time of writing this) through those four JustGiving pages. Not only is Richard a genererous person, so are his fans! It's wonderful to see, and I hope that he sees that figure and that it makes him feel proud of those very devoted fans of his. He sure brings out the best in people. :)

This post is part of FanstRAvaganza 2, a Richard Armitage fanblogging event running 14-21 March 2011. See all FanstRAvaganza posts from this blog.

This year's other participants: An RA viewer's perspective from 33°0'S of the equator, Avalon's Blog, CDoart, Confessions of a Watcher, From the Quill Tip, Me + Richard, Mesmered's Blog, Nevermind, Mr. Armitage, Phylly's Faves, RA Frenzy, The RA Fan Blog, RA Vids & Graphics, The Spooks Fan Blog, and White Rose Writing.


  1. We salute you.Ave Richard.

  2. Thank you for the reminder. I absolutely agree we should donate in Richard Armitage's name rather than send gifts. :) *thumbs up*

  3. Great post.

    It's always good to remember. :)

  4. Reckon you have noticed yesterday's post by Maria Grazia at Fly High :-/
    M_T, quite puzzled

  5. I was really happy when RA set up these sites :). People still insist on sending presents but this is so much better (not to mention easier!).

  6. joanna/bccmee/PoliCBA: Thanks for your comments! Reminders are always good.

    @Anon: Oh poo-poo Ms Negative. It's not a unique topic, and considering hubby & I spent all of Friday night watching Comic Relief, is it surprising to have the idea "oh I know, RA gives to charity, I should make a post about that as it's about RA as a person, which is my F2 topic"? I saw MG's post after I had posted this, and thought it was a funny coincidence we had posted about the same thing, using the same clips. She remembered the VoD Comic Relief one, though, and I didn't. And I thanked her on her blog for reminded me. So there. :P

    @Mulubinba: I think it's a great initiative. That way the fans can participate in a way that's different if he just said "donate to X please". Because he (or his people) set up those pages, it's a way for the fans to interact with him. If you know what I mean? :)

  7. Thanks for relieving my perplexities, Traxy!
    In fact, I saw your comment on MG's blog, and wondered why you didn't mention that funny coincidence... probably not the only one, during this (perhaps a bit too) long F2 week :)
    Cordially, M_T, aka Ms Negative

  8. I believe he is sincere. I may not contribute to his charities ( I have my own) but he does raise the profile of need. It's a fabulous thing. :) Thanks for highlighting that side of the man, and the charities!

  9. Oh my goodness, I'd never seen those Robin Hood Children in Need specials - too funny!

  10. Poor Robin. I wonder why no one asked him to participate in the 'Children in Need' skit? Not that I'm complaining, mind you. That was hilarious.

    Armstrong + Armitage = Costner + Rickman = Mel Gibson + Jason Issacs = Yet another Hero Upstaged by the Villian film scenario.

    In the BBC's RH case it's the writers fault and not the actors. I loved the whole cast, me.

  11. Couldn't agree more with you, ItsFun2Squee! :)


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