
Showing posts with the label Terry Pratchett

Some great news and a reading update

First things first: They're making Good Omens into something for the telly. A miniseries, hopefully, as opposed to a TV movie. It's due in 2013, according to IMDb . If you don't know what Good Omens is, you've missed a terribly great novel, written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It's about a young Antichrist, an angel and a demon who have decided humanity isn't all that bad actually, and Armageddon. Or prevention thereof. And it's hysterically funny. One of my favourite books. Secondly, news are that BBC have commissioned four new episodes of Dirk Gently . Hopefully this time, they'll make it completely standalone from the novels, so we won't have the problems that the pilot had . Fingers crossed! If you follow me on Twitter , you may have already noticed I changed my username slightly the other day. It used to be the_squeee , it's now TheSqueee (case optional). I thought back when I got the account, the version without the underscore

Celebrity and the Big C - Part 2

The beginning of this post can be found here: Celebrity and the Big C - Part 1 . Sorry for dwelling on this topic even longer, but I just remembered something as I wrote "It hurts to lose a loved one, regardless of if they're famous or Joe Schmoe down the street." THIS WAS (and still is) MY F***ING PROBLEM WITH JADE GOODY . To people outside of Britain, she was a woman who basically got famous for being famously unedumacated on Big Brother and making an arse of herself on Celebrity Big Brother a few years later by making bullying racist comments about a fellow housemate and thereby causing a huge scandal. Foot-in-mouth disease. You has had it. When she got diagnosed with cancer, it was made into a reality TV show and gathered a media circus around the whole thing. While I'm genuinely sad for the sake of her young children that they did actually have the misfortune of losing their mother to cancer, the whole show around her passing I found deeply offensi

Let's talk about books!

Was going through Marvin (the desktop computer) to find some files, and came across this, which I believe was posted on Facebook a couple of years ago or so. So not necessarily very up-to-date, but anyway. Here goes: 1) What author do you own the most books by? Technically, Carolyn Keene, but on the other hand, they’re not all mine and besides, they’re all at my parents’. Seriously though, we’ve got probably 100+ Nancy Drew books! Sheer number of books aside from that … Bengt Linder. My collection of books about Dante and Tvärsan is almost complete. :D 2) What book do you own the most copies of? Hmm. I’ve got a few doubles of Jane Austen books now, as I decided to get a new batch from the same series (Wordsworth Classics) to make it look nice and consistent. 3) Did it bother you that both those questions ended with prepositions? Prepo-what-a? :P