Some great news and a reading update

First things first: They're making Good Omens into something for the telly. A miniseries, hopefully, as opposed to a TV movie. It's due in 2013, according to IMDb. If you don't know what Good Omens is, you've missed a terribly great novel, written by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. It's about a young Antichrist, an angel and a demon who have decided humanity isn't all that bad actually, and Armageddon. Or prevention thereof. And it's hysterically funny. One of my favourite books.

Secondly, news are that BBC have commissioned four new episodes of Dirk Gently. Hopefully this time, they'll make it completely standalone from the novels, so we won't have the problems that the pilot had. Fingers crossed!

If you follow me on Twitter, you may have already noticed I changed my username slightly the other day. It used to be the_squeee, it's now TheSqueee (case optional). I thought back when I got the account, the version without the underscore was taken, which is why the underscore was there in the first place. Either I was wrong or someone changed their username too. Either way, I wanted to get rid of the underscore and was elated to find it was so easy. Which solved the problem of what else to have as a username, as all the other ones I could think of were taken already.

This weekend, I've managed to mow the lawn (if you had seen before and after pictures, you would realise why I make this out to be some sort of feat! ;)), so the compost bin is now very, very full. Today, I started to cut back some of the shrubbery, as I felt they were growing a bit too big. Then I had to stop, because I started to sneeze too much. Such a shame, because I was hoping it would be a little longer before allergy season kicked in. :(

I've also managed to finish six new wands (three rose, three horse chestnut), just need to take photos and put them up. Also finally managed to write a review I should've written months ago (check back tomorrow morning!) and finished Jane by April Lindner. Hopefully I can finish the review in the week to come, and not X months down the line!

Right now, I'm 93% through Jane Eyre's Husband by Tara Bradley and I'm dreading the end. Partly because I'm already starting to wonder what I am to do next (not that I'm running out of options), and partly because what if it ends with Mr. Rochester's death? He's in his 60s now, and there have been several allusions to "life after Edward". If he dies, there will be tears. Goodness knows Pilot's death brought tears to my eyes!

Not to be confused with nefarious sexual practices.

Speaking of Jane Eyre, as the Lindner book ran out, I've replaced it with Jane and Her Master in a bid to try and get through it a bit quicker, but it's difficult. I'm not exactly picking it up with eagerness. Half-way through and it's boring because it's so samey: Jane gets caned until she bleeds. Jane gets caned until she bleeds. Jane gets caned until she bleeds. Jane gets caned until she bleeds. Jane gets caned until she bleeds. Rinse and repeat. Occasionally, it's interspersed with Jane enthusiastically caning someone else until that person also bleeds. The chapter where Blanche Ingram is talking about the incestuous relationship with her brother was surprisingly welcome (well, sort of), only because just this once, no one got caned! Not that it made things better, it still made me feel sick. What wouldn't I give for people to lay the cane aside and just get on shagging instead, like normal people! Although having read the book this far, I don't think them having sex would be much of an improvement, it would still be disgusting. Dear Reader, I'm even contemplating not finishing this dreadful story, but for the sake of reading everything Jane Eyre, I suppose I'll have to see it to the painful end. Ewww.

Oh, and I'm working on a review policy, as I've seen several bloggers include one, and it seems to be a very good idea if you run a blog where you do a lot of reviews.

Hope you're having a good weekend and that it's blessed with good weather. Nottingham is currently +17ÂșC and sunny. :)


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