Simon Tam is gay - well, his actor is

So it appears our favourite doctor in outer space is gay. If you thought of McCoy or someone else who isn't Simon Tam of TV series Firefly or movie Serenity, then you thought of the wrong guy. :P Sean Maher has come out, after 14 years hiding in the closet. He's had a partner for the past nine years and they have two children together. I knew about the kids, he mentioned them on Twitter (he's @Sean_M_Maher by the way) before, but didn't know their origin.

Well, all I have to say is, congratulations on coming out, Mr. Maher! :) While it undoubtedly will break many a female fan's heart, I bet you've also made a lot of male fans very happy. ;) After all, our loss is their gain!

But really, I wish him all the best in the world. The party is just getting started now, so to speak. Well done to him for coming out after all this time, and doing so for the right reasons too:

“I have these beautiful children and this extraordinary family,” Maher says, “and to think in any way shape or form that that’s wrong or that there’s shame in that or that there’s something to hide actually turns my stomach.” Maher kept thinking about what daughter Sophia would say when she realized he was closeted professionally. “What would she think if I said, ‘Oh honey, you can’t come with me to work because they don’t know I have an adopted daughter and they don’t know that I’m gay.’ My children and our family, I’ve really never been as proud of anything in my life. I couldn’t be happier at this point in my life, and I feel like we’ve created this pretty extraordinary family.” [Entertainment Weekly]

Sean Maher is currently playing a character called Sean, on a show called The Playboy Club. Sean (the character) is a closeted gay man married to a lesbian Playboy bunny (!) and Sean (the actor) thought it was a good idea to finally come out. Better out than in, that's what I reckon.

Like I've said before,
they're either taken or gay.
Or both, as it happens.


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