BRILLIANT!! The Fast Show is returning! Nice.

We interrupt the Jane Eyre-centred week with an important announcement! For those who remember the 1990s and in particular, a British comedy show called The Fast Show, and to those who enjoyed it as much as I did - good news! There's some deal with Foster's (the beer brand) to bring the show back ... on the internet, at least. It seems the whole gang has come together for it too, aside from Mark Williams (Arthur Weasley in Harry Potter). I would say "Which is nice", but I'm disappointed he won't be in it.

The Fast Show was a sketch show mainly made up of catchphrases, but it was absolutely hilarious. I have all the three series on DVD, including the Christmas Special and the live show. For those who have never seen it, look them up on YouTube.

Any bets on which characters we're going to reacquaint ourselves with? Rowley Birkin, the doddering old drunk? ("[Mumble mumble] 'Stand aside, I say!' [mumble mumble] with a great big elephant [mumble mumble mumble] but of course I was very, very drunk.") Ron Manager? ("Jumpers for goal posts.") Swiss Toni? (" like making love to a beautiful woman." The Squeeze is great at making up Swiss Toni stuff, by the way.) Chanel 9 Neus? ("Scorchio!" - a word that has entered the general British vocabulary.) Jessie and his random diets? ("This week, I'll be mostly havin'...") The 'Suits You' clerks? Bob Fleming? Colin Hunt? Jazz Club? Ted and Ralph? "Does my bum look big in this?" "BRILLIANT!!" "Someone's sittin' there, mate." Ohh, and the overachieving dad.

"Ohh! Suits you, sirs!"

A selection of tweets from one of the show's creator, Charlie Higson:

A lot of you have been asking when we will be bringing the fast show back #thefastshow

And if so, when #thefastshow

The answer is "yes - we are bringing #thefastshow back. On November 14th."

We will have all the old team back together, including Caroline, but sadly not mark Williams. All the popular characters #thefastshow

to clarify. I only have 140 characters here. when I say 'all the popular characters' I mean all those not played by Mark Williams obviously

we would have loved Mark to be involved but he didn't want to do it

we will not be doing any new characters on the new #thefastshow project - not yet anyway. we decided to stick to old favourites.

This is where you will be able to watch our new #thefastshow series

To follow the cast members on Twitter:

...I'll get me coat! And wait for November!



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