Richard Armitage and his Hobbit pals send their love

Spotted this on a few blogs at the end of last week and said "I'll have to watch that when I get home!" and ... still haven't, as I've been either knackered or away or both. (Thank you so much for the reminder, Tara!) Maybe if I post it here, I'll remember to watch it and not just browse through it quickly and wish I could see it with the sound on? :)

(Also, I have told myself I'm going to post about Richard Armitage every Wednesday, and I haven't written anything for today. So this is me writing about him today! :D I might just update this post when I've seen the clip and can comment on it properly.)


  1. After all the 'will it happen? it's not happening...or is it?' business, it's so exciting to see a behind the scenes video like this :D Cannot wait till December 2012...but hopefully more videos like this will keep us all satisfied!


  2. You must watch it, Traxy, because it's brilliant!!!


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