Naturally Richard Armitage

Okay, so channel-hopping after Masterchef on BBC1, we came upon the end of Natural World on BBC2. There was a baby elephant to begin with, and then elephants in general, and my delighted "naww!" probably prevented the Squeeze from changing channels straight away. I LOVE elephants!

Squeeeee!! An Indian elephant at Twycross Zoo in 2004.

So, sitting there with a huge smile on my face, I realised who the voiceover artist was... and that person... was Richard Armitage. I just looked him up on IMDb (if I had a penny every time I went to that site...) but it's not listed there, although there is a thread about it on the message board. His voice seems to be everywhere on TV nowadays - and it's good to get confirmation of it. It means it's not just me being delusional! ;)


  1. I posted a reference to this show on C19 about 2 weeks ago! If you check the BBC's website, there are several clips from the documentary on there.

    1. are the clips available outside the UK?

    2. Probably not. A fan might have put something on YouTube, though, you never know! :)

  2. Good to know!
    That's so cute that you like elephants and then you had that unexpected treat as well!
    I am wondering if all the voiceovers lately means he wants to stay put for awhile, instead of all the travelling he's been doing lately.
    It was great that he was the voice of the BBC's Olympics!

  3. @30rock: Heh, shows how often I go on the C19/AA forums, really... ;) I was thinking of watching the whole thing on BBC iPlayer if I can. After all, elephants and RA - woohoo!

    @phylly3: It was the cutest little baby elephant ever! And then hearing RA's voice as well... :D We don't know how long ago he did these voiceovers, because normally it's a while between something's recorded and when it's broadcast, but still, yes, maybe he's staying put. I'm not sure if it's a good or a bad thing to hear his voice promoting things on the radio, because I'm afraid one of these days I'll run the car off the road!

  4. At least, Traxy, you seem to love elephants! I actually don't like them very much, but I'll pretend to be very interested while watching that documentary as soos as I can get it. I'm so cusious to listen to Richard's reading. I was just wondering... Richard didn't sound so appreciative of elephants when remembering his sleeping near them at the time of the circus in Budapest ... he didn't like their smell at all! Well, now at least ... he couldn't smell them!

    1. Haha, well yes, it's one thing to sleep next to them at a circus and another to just narrate them for TV! :)

  5. Adorable!

    I wonder how R.A finds the time?

  6. I tagged you from my blog. I picked bloggers that read interesting novels. It is all in fun but if you do not have time, thats alright.

  7. Where can a clip or clips of this documentary be viewed, please?

    1. If they're still available on the BBC site and viewable outside the UK, check there. If not, check YouTube or ask on the RA fan forums, as someone might have saved it. :)


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