
Hi there!

This is a blog about movies, books, TV shows, music, costume dramas and handsome actors. Not necessarily in that order.

Things you're likely to find on this blog:
  • Book reviews
  • Film reviews
  • TV show/series reviews
  • Various stages of celebrity worship (maintaining a strict anti-stalking policy!)
  • Admiration for costume dramas and 19th century literature
  • Lighthearted entertainment

Things you'll definitely find on this blog:
  • Overenthusiastic fangirling, especially about Jane Eyre and Richard Armitage
  • An overactive imagination
  • A positive outlook on life, the universe and everything
  • Someone with a little bit more time than sense
  • Logorrhoea (or graphomania, if you prefer; I know I do)

Things you probably won't find on this blog:
  • Really clever posts on politics, religion, economy or other Really Serious Subjects
  • Really clever posts in general, *cough*
  • Offers on how to enlarge your penis (guys, as long as you know how to use it, we don't really care), buy WoW gold or fake university degrees or equally conterfeit medication
  • Depressing posts about the state of the world today (hey, I write this blog to NOT be reminded - for rants about how f***ed up society is, I have a different blog, which rarely gets posted in as I normally can't be bothered)

I like things with a good story, and I'll watch anything if it has an actor in it I like, no matter how bad it is. I'll also ramble on incessantly about things that I happen to take a shine to, and believe me, those are legion and always have been, ever since I was a little girl. In a nice and polite type way; creating fanclubs, fansites and that sort of thing and being generally well-behaved in my celebrity worship.

Other than that, I was born in Sweden 28 years ago, and moved to Nottingham in the heart of England in the mid-noughties. There, I dwell with my husband (henceforth referred to as "the Squeeze") and my owner (Daisy the cat). I blog so my family and friends don't have to hear my fangirlisms all the time ...

When I don't blog, I work as Web Administrator/Analyst/Designer and have a past in psychology studies, with some bits of creative writing on the side. And plenty of online roleplaying! :)

In May 2010, Maria Grazia at FLY HIGH! interviewed me in her series of Blogger Buddies, so if you want to know more about me, that's a good place to go! :)

Why not drop me a line? Just email blog (at) traxy.co.uk. Cheerio!

P.S. The word "squee" is generally used online as an uncontrolled expression of joy, like the sort of noise you'd expect to hear from an over-excited fangirl. :)

Would you like to be a guest blogger? You can be a regular guest poster or it can be a one-off post. Suggested topics are any sort of book/movie/TV reviews, Jane Eyre, Richard Armitage, Harry Potter, Sam Neill, Toby Stephens or Ken Olin or any other either I or you fancy (feel free to broaden my horizons!), but you could as well write an in-depth psychological analysis of fandom or give suggestions about writing or make a list or whatever you like, as long as it fits with the general theme of the blog. It really doesn't have to be a post squeeing over actors or actresses you fancy.

The posts have to be in English, of course, but if English isn't your first language, don't worry, I'll correct any spelling or grammar mistakes the best I can before posting, so don't feel as if your language skills aren't up to scratch. - Hey, English isn't my first language either. :)

If you're interested, let me know through email (as detailed above) who you are and what you'd like to post about. :) If you could include a blurb about who you are (include a link to your blog or website if you've got one) to introduce yourself to the rest of the readers, that'd be fab. Thank you!


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Thanks for stopping by! All comments are read (usually within 24 hours) and responded to whenever I can, but not necessarily straight away. Spam comments stop in the moderation queue. Be as snarky as you like, but I give as good as I get, and you probably need a hug. Cheerio! :)

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