
Showing posts with the label Sean Connery

Sam Neill films - minute reviews E-H

Enigma (1983) Sam is: Dimitri Vasilikov Sam in a fur hat. Enigma was a coding system used by the military, and people want to get their hands on it. It's about spying and cold war and Martin Sheen is in it. It's a good old movie. Event Horizon (1997) Sam is: Dr. William Weir Infinite space... infinite terror. Sci-fi horror. Ship vanishes - ship returns - people sent to investigate, finds ship evil. Ship makes it's creator (Sam) goes insane, as his mind is corrupted by ship. Well-made, quite gory, and indeed scary. W00t!

Lost Sean Connery period drama resurfaces

"Da shvedanya, Mish Karenina ... The name'sh Wronski, count Wronski. And you do have a lishenshe to shwoon." For the love of all things ancient – look at what cropped up on BBC News today! An adaptation of Leo Tolstoy’s Anna Karenina has been re-discovered in the BBC archives and will be released on DVD in September. First broadcast in early November 1961, the Russian drama featured a young Sean Connery and Claire Bloom – who starred together in Bond flick Dr. No a year later apparently. No cravat on the picture, but Sean Connery in a uniform – oooh. Source: Sean Connery BBC period drama rediscovered Publish Post