
Showing posts with the label Tintin

Tintin: The Secret Of The Unicorn first trailer

Nothing to do with Wuthering Heights , but this is too exciting not to post about! :) It's the trailer for the forthcoming Tintin movie. Tintin is a young, Belgian reporter and the film is based on the comic books by Hergé, which is something I've grown up with. Have read each and every single one of them, many times, so this is quite exciting! Here it is: My first thought was "well, I'm not keen on the animated Milou" (Snowy in English) ... and then I realised that actually, the whole thing is animated. I thought it was meant to be a live action thing? Apparently not. Oh well. A computer animated take on Tintin might actually work better than a live action thing anyway. It's not the same as the Swedish audio recordings where Tomas Bolme is Tintin and Åke Lindström as Captain Haddock who shouts "bomber och granater!" ... but it will do. :) At least it fills me with less trepidation than the forthcoming Smurfs movie ... Are you familiar with