
Showing posts with the label Team Rochester

Team Rochester - grab a graphic!

So yeah. These are some badges I quickly put together, so they're not brilliant. And none of the Fassbender ones turned out great. :/ But yeah, feel free to use, download, display on blogs, and so on. Might do some more (and might turn these into animated gifs), but of a different style, as in not looking anything like these ones, and of other sizes as well (suggestions?). If anyone's out there with actual photoshopping skills who'd want to make the Team Rochester community some goodies, that would be even better! :) Anyway, got two of each, aside from '34 and '49 (but the less said about them the better ...) and the two most recent ones - as the two most recent productions are the ones with the biggest amount of photos floating about. I've included every Rochester actor I could think of*, in character, so in reverse chronological order: