
Showing posts with the label Staffordshire

Location Scouting: Doveleys Manor, Staffordshire

We went to Staffordshire today, and happened to drive a bit off-satnav to see where we'd end up. The Squeeze spotted a garden centre and turned in, because he thought I might like to have a look there. It was Doveleys Garden Centre, just outside Rocester. (Hands up everyone who wants to add a "H" to that name!) Peculiar tree stump that looks like some kind of sculpture - looked even more amazing IRL! It also has a manor house, and you could walk the grounds, said the sign. Ach, a manor house. Can't pass by something like that! As the building itself says, it was built in 1875, so it's Victorian, and MAN is it gloomy! I couldn't help but think of Borley Rectory , actually. Then again, a lot of Victorian buildings would probably make me think of Borley, seeing as how it's a place I find particularly intriguing, and love to read about.