
Showing posts with the label Sally Hawkins

Jane Eyre '11 premieres... in SEPTEMBER!?

Came across this, from an article about Sally Hawkins in The Guardian : The actress, who won a Golden Globe for her lead role in Mike Leigh's 2008 Happy-Go-Lucky , is also to appear in a new version of Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre due to premiere at the Venice film festival in September WTH! So it DOES come out a lot earlier than March - if you happen to be in Venice, at the film festival. Bah! And the rest of us have to wait another SIX MONTHS before we can go see it! No fair! I want to see it now! The article/interview also describes Ms Hawkins as "nervous, petite and a bit shy". The perfect Mrs. Reed then, obviously. For reference: Mrs. Reed might be at that time some six or seven and thirty; she was a woman of robust frame, square-shouldered and strong-limbed, not tall, and, though stout, not obese: she had a somewhat large face, the under jaw being much developed and very solid; her brow was low, her chin large and prominent, mouth and nose sufficient

JE'11 casting

Okay, IMDb-ing the upcoming Jane Eyre adaptation, there are some more roles which have been cast: Mrs. Fairfax - Dame Judy Dench I would think she has a bit too much of a commanding presence for the mild Mrs. Fairfax, but on the other hand, she's also a damned fine actress, so she should be able to pull it off. Mrs. Reed - Sally Hawkins Anne Elliot of Persuasion '07. I can see her as similar to Tara Fitzgerald in the Mrs. Reed role, because in a way, they remind of each other. Still, I thought Fitzgerald was an odd choice for Mrs. Reed - a bit too young, and Hawkins isn't exactly old enough either.