
Showing posts with the label Michael Jackson

Me and Michael Jackson

This is most peculiar. Early this morning, I had a dream. The dream was situated in a room upstairs in my parents' house - except of course it looked a bit different and it was like looking at it from the house on the other side of the street, because nothing in a dream is ever quite like you'd expect it to be. For some strange reason, I was married to Michael Jackson. Yeah. Tell me about it .

Celebrity and the Big C - Part 2

The beginning of this post can be found here: Celebrity and the Big C - Part 1 . Sorry for dwelling on this topic even longer, but I just remembered something as I wrote "It hurts to lose a loved one, regardless of if they're famous or Joe Schmoe down the street." THIS WAS (and still is) MY F***ING PROBLEM WITH JADE GOODY . To people outside of Britain, she was a woman who basically got famous for being famously unedumacated on Big Brother and making an arse of herself on Celebrity Big Brother a few years later by making bullying racist comments about a fellow housemate and thereby causing a huge scandal. Foot-in-mouth disease. You has had it. When she got diagnosed with cancer, it was made into a reality TV show and gathered a media circus around the whole thing. While I'm genuinely sad for the sake of her young children that they did actually have the misfortune of losing their mother to cancer, the whole show around her passing I found deeply offensi