Holocaust Memorial Day

Seeing as how it's Holocaust Memorial Day, I thought it would be fitting to write about our visit to KZ-Dedenkstätte Dachau outside Munich in Germany. Seeing as how we were driving around Germany, for the most part, and happened to be close to a former concentration camp, it felt as if we owed history to visit and pay our respects.


To actually read the post, please click on to Visiting Dachau Concentration Camp. I posed it on Notepad Narnia, which is my [utterly sporadic and often far too] personal blog, because it didn't feel quite right to post the full story here. This blog is meant to be cheerful and lighthearted, but I still wanted to post something about it, because it's important, especially in these troubled times. Just having watched a TV programme about a holocaust survivor has something to do with it as well. It meant I wanted to post about it straight away, rather than some other day.


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