New commenting system added

It's called Disqus. You can comment using Twitter, Facebook, Google and all sorts. Like a pimped version of the old system. And it's easier to reply and there's a "Like" button and everything, including on the comments themselves. Enjoy! :)

Ohh, and also, there's now a Review Policy. Have seen plenty of blogs with one of them, and figured I should have one too, realistically, dabbling in reviewing as I am and all. Just didn't quite know how to word it. Waking up at 4am and not being able to fall back asleep for a couple of hours or so made me think about a lot of things, so when I got up, I know how to write it. :)

Oh, and if you like to know what's coming beforehand, I tend to post about upcoming reviews on Facebook, or even just quick notes as to what's recently been seen (and will therefore be popping up here as reviews in the future). "Like" below to tune in!


  1. Please give us an update on the new comment system in a couple of weeks-thanks and good luck with it

  2. Sure, can do. :) At the moment, I think I like it. Makes it easier to respond to comments, if nowt else!


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Thanks for stopping by! All comments are read (usually within 24 hours) and responded to whenever I can, but not necessarily straight away. Spam comments stop in the moderation queue. Be as snarky as you like, but I give as good as I get, and you probably need a hug. Cheerio! :)

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