Can't talk, am writing - NaNoWriMo begins

It's November, and the annual (inter)National Novel Writing Month has begun. The challenge is to write a 50 000-word novel in 30 days, meaning you need to average at least 1667 words every day. Sounds daunting? It's perfectly doable, actually. I've made it twice, in 2007 and 2008.

Last year, I tried writing a modern day Jane Eyre, but got stuck after about 17k and decided to give up. If you want to read the first draft of that story, it's called Moorland Hall (even though the estate in the novel is actually called Moorland House - well done there!) and is on display at Wattpad.

We'll see how this year goes. It's a different story, one I've been mulling over in my head for a while now, so let's see what happens. If anyone wants to add me as a writing buddy, the name's TraXy (go fig!).

Are you participating? Have you participated in the past? How's the writing going? :)


  1. I'm actually writing a take on Jane Eyre this month! Will definitely be friending you!


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