Your nominations, please!

I'm looking for nominations in these categories:

1. Tall, Dark and Handsome


2. OMG that VOICE!! ♥

The nominated peeps should preferably be actors, but I'll accept musicians as well. It's for a list. Like Amazing Gaze: Top 5 Brilliantly Breathtaking Blue Eyes.

Darling Richard Armitage is a given on both of them, of course. ;)


  1. Tall Dark and Handsome
    Colin Firth
    Richard, duh. :)
    James McAvoy
    Ben Barnes
    Viggo Mortensen

    OMG That Voice
    Mandy Patinkin...ok, so somewhat (a lot) because of his singing, but also speaking. English or Spanish accents.
    Alan Rickman
    Kenneth Branagh
    Older actors, I guess, but still amazing!
    I'm sure there are more that I'm not thinking of.

  2. TDH:
    Colin Firth, Richard Armitage, Timothy Dalton, Jeremy Northam, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

    OMG That Voice:
    Timothy Dalton, Richard Armitage, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, James Earl Jones, Alan Rickman

  3. Since you'll take musicians, I'll nominate Chris Cornell in both categories.

  4. ok, Tall dark and handsome
    Richard Armitage
    Hugh Jackman
    Matthew Macfaddyen

    Liev Schreiber
    Richard Armitage
    Matthew Macfaddyen
    Hugh Jackman... I'm not terribly original here, am I? And I'd like to put Liev in the top, too, but he's not really dark....

  5. Oh! And David Tennant (duh) and David Boreanaz. Both for TDH but possibly OMG That Voice, too.
    And now I've just thought of some more! I'm on a roll...
    Put these in whichever category, really.
    James Marsters
    Harry Lloyd
    Jonas Armstrong
    (And anyone left from Doctor Who, Buffy, and Robin Hood. In case you couldn't guess where I was getting these from.)

  6. Jimmy Smits - YUM
    Raul Julia
    Daniel Day-Lewis
    Ciarin Hinds, but only in Persuasion


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