Hogwarts is on FIRE!

Aaaaaargh! It's on FIRE! First it was half-wrecked by a dragon (oo the repair bills) and now it's being torched! Oww, the pain! My school is ruined! How can we ever afford to re-build it? So much debris, where to begin? Woe, woe ...

Seeing Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows on film in November: can't wait! Aside from the burning down Hogwarts bit. That's going to cause me some serious pain and anguish.

(Yes, you get environmentally damaged from having played the headmaster and/or deputy headmaster of Hogwarts in a roleplaying game for the past six years. Just a little. Tiny bit. *cough*)


  1. Love Harry!
    I actually have a friend whom looks like him and when he is shopping, little kids ask him if he is Harry...lol, but he is cool about it because he is a huge Harry Potter fan.

  2. Big Harry Potter fan here too. I'm so excited to see "Deathly Hallows" on screen (favorite book in the series) but pretty nervous about the timing... since it's being released in the US on Nov. 19th and the baby is due Nov. 21st. This is the first time I'm hoping to wait for the due date rather than go early! (There I'll be in the theatre, with a huge tub of popcorn resting on my round belly.)

  3. I cannot wait for these last 2 HP films...but oh my will "the end" be gut-wrenching and traumatic!

  4. The Tories' plans to ditch all those school repair projects didn't bode well for Hogwarts....

  5. I still think Richard Armitage looked disturbingly like Dan Radcliffe in some parts of Between the Sheets. Not, eheh, certain bits, but umm, facially.

    Avalon: Ooh that's great! :D

    Nat: Haha, that's just funny! "No, you HANG IN THERE! Mummy's just going to the cinema! Alright? You've waited nine months, you can wait another few hours!" *giggle* Hope everything goes really well for you on the day. With the birth, that is. :) *hugs*

    Ruth: Oh, I agree! I'm hoping they'll keep Molly's line intact: "NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH!" <3

    Helen: See? I said voting Tory was a bad idea! ;)


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