TVChoice Awards 2010 - longlist voting open!

For those who can - if you're abroad, see if you can access the page - the TVChoice Awards have the longlists open for voting now. From those, I guess there will then be a shortlist to vote on. Why am I telling you this? Because you can go vote for your favourite shows and actors! Specifically, Richard Armitage, Spooks and Strike Back!


Best new drama: Chris Ryan’s Strike Back (Sky1), Emma (BBC)
Best drama series: Spooks (BBC1)
Best actor: Richard Armitage (Chris Ryan’s Strike Back)
Best actress: Ruth Wilson (Luther)

Off you go!


  1. I voted!! Thanks for this! Richard is under some stiff competition though and against some previous cast mates too! Besides Peter Firth in Spooks, he's also competing against Brendan Coyle in Larkrise to Candleford (They were in North and South together)!
    Well, I haven't seen Larkrise yet, unfortunately, but I am certain that he has acted the pants off of Peter Firth! (Now wouldn't THAT be a picture! A shirtless RA next to a pantless PF! LOL

  2. I voted also!! As a bonus, i got to vote for Grand Designs in the Lifestyle section - I absolutely love that show.

  3. Hooray, not just for Brits! Now there really is no excuse not to vote! ;)

    mulubinba: Absolutely - Grand Designs is fab! :D

    phylly3: I hope he makes it to the shortlist, at least! Would be wonderful if he won - he deserves it! And that's a picture that's going to be difficult to get out of my head now. Haha! Although, I mistook Peter Firth for Brendan Coyle first, and the thought of Mr. Coyle without trousers I find more appealing than Mr. Firth without them. At least if we're talking Peter, because Colin can get his kit off any day! ;)

  4. It seems open worldwide! I voted too. Do I have to reveal my very favourite ones? I skipped a lot actually because I know just few TV shows from Britain but... can't you imagine? I guess you can!
    I'd like to see Luther, Traxy... is it worth seeing?
    I saw Larkrise 1 and 2 - I'm going to seeseason 3 asap - and just loved it. It ' s good BBC period drama and Brendan Coyle is brilliant. My favourite character is Dorcas.

  5. I already voted, hope RA wins


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