The most agonising show on TV

Season 4 of Dexter has started on FX in the UK and again, I'm wondering why the hell I put myself through it. Not from the perspective of ew it's gory or anything, but because it's bloody painful to watch! It's a constant cringefest of fearing someone's going to Find Out about his Dark Passenger. Considering Dexter got married and Rita was preggers at the end of season 3, baby Harrison has plopped out and is causing the usual sleep deprivation. What do you do with a sleep-deprived serial killer? It's a recipe for disaster for sure. He's going to get caught and it's going to be agonising to watch.

"My daddy kills people!"
"Yes I do, but only bad people, Junior."
Season 4 seems to like featuring a naked John Lithgow. Not what I expected to see, nor anything I wanted to see, to be honest. On the plus side - Quinn has that boyish-yet-manly look about him (oh! Suits you sir!) and Lundy has returned. I still remember season 2, when he hooked up with Debra. Made me squee just a tad bit. Tehe. :) But the whole being on tenterhooks because you don't want him to get caught is starting to become a bit too much.

Maybe I should just pack it in. The Squeeze kinda stopped after season one or two. Wise man. Ending the suffering, before the guy gets caught. For the "next week" thing, it has him crashing the car - with a body in the back. OH THE PAIN!!! See? I can't take this anymore! Not without questioning if I'm a closet masochist or something like that.

Or he could just stop killing people. Not much of a show to watch then, admittedly, but at least it would keep us all sane. Sanity is good!


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