Happy birthday, Richard Armitage!

'Appy birfday, mi duck! :)

(...Hot dang, I love this picture!)

Celebrating his 39th birthday today - it's our favourite actor, Mr. Richard Armitage! I know he's not reading this and he's not likely to ever come across this message, but still - Happy birthday! Hope you have a wonderful, happy and successful year. Thank you so much for all your hard work on screen (and off - not envious of the rigorous SAS training!), it has given so many of us not just plenty of things to talk about, but to watch and enjoy. Thank you for all your past work as well - it has brought many new friends from all over the world.

Now, if you want to leave a birthday message for him, you can do so at RichardArmitageNet. :) I think they actually forward them to him somehow, while any birthday messages posted on here won't be. Just so you know! If you want to send him a gift, please remember that he has asked his fans not to do so. He has everything he needs already, and while he's flattered by us (the general public) wanting to give him gifts, he thinks we should spend our money on people who need it a whole lot more than he does. So please - consider a charity donation instead. Richard Armitage's chosen charities at Just Giving are Childline, Barnados, Salvation Army and Shelter.

Will you, dear reader, be doing anything to celebrate the day? I watched the final episode of Robin Hood on TV yesterday (with Guy on a white horse, because now that he's a good Guy, he obviously can't be riding that black horse - it doesn't work *rolls eyes*), and I hope I'll have a little bit of time later today, between trying to sort the house out, to watch some of those DVDs I've not watched yet. Maybe. Hopefully.

Happy birthday, Mr. Richard and happy Armitage day everyone else! :)


  1. I'll have Venetia playing on my computer while I finish the second syllabus for the beginning of the semester.

    What a sweet post.

  2. mmm don't mind wishing him a happy birthday. He is just too sexy (if that's possible)

  3. Dang! Is he making love to the camera or what??? I barely send my family gifts so he's not getting one from me. Not that I would never consider sending one to a stranger because that's what he really is. I am not fooling myself. On the other hand i am behaving like a fool with his Guy and Lucas aliases on Twitter!
    Thanks for the lovely Bday pic1

  4. Armitage Day! I like that!
    I hope you had a lovely Armitage Day Traxy. I certainly did!

  5. I've always loved that picture, and we don't see it nearly enough. And yes, he has facilitated some really neat friendships!

    Love Armitage Day; just put it in the RA Lexicon.

  6. He's not getting a pressie from me either. That'd be too weird! What I am considering though, which I saw on Russel Howard's Good News the other night, is to send a message to a sick child to brighten their day. Unfortunately, the site was really slow when I went on it but I'll try again. *tries again* Ahh, much quicker now! :) It's called Post Pals, if anyone's interested.

    I've got Lucas on Twitter, not Guy - where would I find him? :D

    There's an RA lexicon? :O Where where where?

    Unfortunately, I didn't get to do any RA-related activities yesterday at all (this post was written the night before and scheduled - me, up at 6am? o.O I think not!). We started by going to IKEA and get some shelving and then went home and made a mess of the spare room, in which the shelving would go. (Trying to unpack some boxes - we only moved in 10 months ago now. *cough*) Then I got a massive headache for the rest of the night. :( Not even Vexed got rid of it. So a bit meh, but it wasn't my birthday, so that's fine. Just hope everyone whose birthday it actually was had a good day! :)

  7. Oh, thanks for that children's page suggestion.

    Good luck with the IKEA parts!

    @SirGuyGisborne @LadyMarianD001@RobinHood0794

    Marian & Robin's are Super & Guy interjects. She's a vidder you probably know!!
    There is a lady Gisborne and I've been wondering what she's thinking about the developments in the Hood household.....:-) Have fun catching up!

  8. I know it was like a week ago but I just wanted to add that I did do something Richard Armitage on his b-day. After readng your post (because I had no idea it was his birthday) I decided to watch North & South. So yeah had a nice and relaxing Sunday thanks to you :-)


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