I can has awards!

Woke up this morning (which was, by the time of posting, in January) to find I had not just received one award, but in fact three! I've never had a blog get an award before. :) Many thanks to Avalon for these - if you haven't already, do go and have a look at her wonderful blog!

I'm trying to pass them on to people who have not received the award(s) before, but if any of them have... well, have another one. :)

For this, you need to list ten things that make you happy, so here goes (and I'll seriously try to not just fill up the list with actors, movies or books *cough*):

  1. Cats, particularly my darling Daisy
  2. Stationary - a brand new notebook or notepad and a pen and I'm in heaven!
  3. Going to the cinema
  4. Good food
  5. Getting surprise flowers from my husband
  6. Heck, my husband in general! :)
  7. Snow - this winter has been fab in that respect!
  8. Animals in general
  9. Writing, of course!
  10. Random acts of kindness

This one, I'd like to dedicate to my friends:
  1. isdockan
  2. Kitty
  3. Korpa
  4. Leffelini
  5. Methras
  6. Pocksie
  7. Rävöra
  8. SweetSinner
  9. Tjejtjejen
  10. Usmstr

This is the Honest Scrap award. It is for those bloggers who write from the heart. The rules are to pass it along to seven bloggers and then list ten honest things about myself. Here are those deserving of this honour, bloggers who write from the heart, who really love what they write about and touch me because of it:

  1. Momentary Bursts of Enthusiasm (Jack)
  2. Phylly's Faves (phylly3)
  3. Punnygirl (Bee)
  4. Rants of a Mad Woman (Lina)
  5. Ribbons of Light (The Editrix)
  6. Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before (Steph)
  7. To the Core (Methras)

And then there's the ten honest things...

  1. The feeling of sticky plasters on my toes. I really enjoy it for some reason.
  2. I technically have a slight milk protein intolerance and should keep clear of daity, but tend to ignore it. Gassiness ensues.
  3. I have dyscalculia. Without satellite navigation I'd be lost. Literally.
  4. I subscribed to tweeny comic W.I.T.C.H. - when I was at least 20 years old. Because of the name. And it had pretty pictures.
  5. I don't understand people who don't like animals. Being afraid of, cautious of, allergic to, fine, I get it. But there's just something wrong with people whose hearts don't melt when they see cute animals.
  6. I'm a trained and certified animal communicator, but I don't actively work with it because I'm not confident enough.
  7. I've never quite grasped the "correct" concept of how to study and "achieve" high grades rather than ending up with one if I do well. Partially, perhaps, because the school system I was brought up in doesn't work for me. If only there had been a local Steiner/Waldorf school when I grew up! Even my mum agrees I would've been better off in one of those. Bit late for that now. :/
  8. Poetry really bores me (Vogon Poetry aside), but I enjoy writing it tremendously. Provided I refer to it as "song lyrics", that is. (Because, "if poetry is boring, why would I write it?") In fact, I love writing surreal texts so I can secretly laugh at people who try to interpret their (non-existent) meanings.
  9. When I was a child, I wanted to be a movie star. Nowadays, I'd rather be behind the camera than in front of it. Funny how people can manage to screw up your self-confidence.
  10. I'm a serious procrastinator. (This post has been in the works for six months now...)

This award didn't come with a description, but I interpret it as being awarded to those you feel are caring about others, regardless of if it's another being or the environment or society in general.

  1. Grodorna kokar (in Swedish, by Leffelini) - a political blog from a woman who really does care about society.
  2. Rävöra (in Swedish, by Rävöra) - a random blog full of interesting thoughts.
  3. Tankeverden (in Norwegian, by Methras) -  a blog that is often controversial and always thought-provoking.

And another day (more recently than January), I woke up to find another one! :D This one's from Maria Grazia, who is another wonderful blogger I follow.

As it's the first time I've received it, here's a few questions and answers to go along with it! :)

Where is your favorite place to read a book?
- Anywhere! I don't have a favourite place as I normally keep a book handy anywhere I go. Buses, trains, planes, in various places around the house... I've even been known to read while walking on occasion. A place where I do seem to get through books the quickest appears to be the bathroom. Funny, that.

What are the best books you've read recently?
- Over the past year and a half, most books I've read have been various course books, and they normally aren't what I'd call fantastic. I did find The Art and Craft of Storytelling by Nancy Lamb brilliant.

Do you snack while reading?
- Sometimes. I don't like to get my books messy, so I'm careful. I think I did this more when I was younger, where I'd sit at the kitchen table and eat a sandwich while reading the latest find from the library.

Are you a book borrower or book collector?
- I definitely used to be a book borrower. My home town was once among the highest rated in the country with regards to how many books people borrowed per capita, and I take partial credit for that. *cough* Then I went to a school in a different town, and that town's main library was conveniently within the walls of the school, so I went there a lot. Then, when I moved to get a professional education thingamajig, the town's library was just behind the school, which was also very convenient. My home town's library being a fair walk away. When I moved to Britain, the library just wasn't in a location that was as easy to get to, and now that we moved a few months ago, I'm not 100% sure where the nearest library is, so now I'm a book collector, which I'm sure the Squeeze can attest to. ;) (Then again, so is he, so I'm in good company!)

  1. (Will get back to this ASAP!)


  1. That's nice of you to honour my humble blog, Traxy! :)

  2. You deserve more Traxy!!! Keep up the good work. Hugs.

  3. Steph/phylly3: I meant to pop by and notify you, but you found it before I was able to. :) Keep up the good work! :D

    MG: Aww, thank you so much! I'll do my best. :) *hugs*

  4. Thanks for the nominations sweetypie! Means a lot to be awarded for something like this!


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