Happy Armitage Day!

What day is it today?
It's Armitage Day!

Wishing everyone a fantastic day, regardless of where in the world you are, which also of course goes for the birthday boy himself! Happy birthday, Richard Armitage! Hope your 42nd* year will be as epic as the number implies! :D And don't get swooped up by some big ol' tornado now, y'hear? ;)

* The same way as the 1800s is the "19th Century", meaning if he's 41, he's on his 42nd year. That's right, isn't it?


  1. Yay for Armitage Day! Um, I didn't remember until today, but hey, at least I didn't completely miss the party, right?

    1. Exactly! :) No need to remember it beforehand, really ... Not like it's the birthday of a family member, in which case it would be embarassing!


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