Gearing up for FanstRAvaganza 2012

Back in 2010, there was an idea for a fanblogging event, where the current Richard Armitage fanblogs would participate, highlighting Richard Armitage's work and/or his fans for a whole week, and this venture was named FanstRAvaganza. You might recall this:

Then, in 2011, it was decided that the FanstRAvaganza, having been a big success and plenty of fun for everyone involved, should return, and return it did. With more participants than the year before.
Remember this?

If you're new to the RA fandom and have never heard of FanstRAvaganza before (man, that's an awkward word to type!), or if you're hungry for another, and you wonder if there's going to be a third one ... why yes, yes there is. :)

FanstRAvaganza 3 will be held 12-18 March 2012, and if you like Mr. Armitage, you're gonna get your fill right here! :D I'm still doing my daily reviews, but all the ones that week will be of productions involving Richard Armitage ... and a few RAndom thoughts inspired by said productions. We'll see how it goes.

[Banner courtesy of BccMee]

This year, we're aiming high, and have got both a Twitter account (@FanstRAvaganza), the Twitter tag #FanstRA and a Facebook page (FanstRAvaganza) and everything. You really won't be able to miss it even if you try! (Okay, maybe if you don't touch a computer that week ...)

We're also doing something a bit different this year. Instead of having a bunch of blogs, we're splitting it into a) a group of anchor blogs that will have a daily(ish) update - this is one of them - and b) a tag chain for those who wish to participate but only want to do one post. It means one poster links to the next one in the chain, and so on, and it's going to be awesome.

Here are all the anchor blogs:

  1. An RA Viewer’s Perspective from 33° 0′ South of the Equator (mulubinba)
  2. bccmee’s Richard Armitage Fan Vids & Graphics (bccmee)
  3. Confessions of a Watcher (judiang)
  4. DistRActed musings of one ReAlity (Fanny)
  5. Jonia's Cut (Jonia)
  6. me + richard armitage (Servetus)
  7. RAFrenzy (RAFrenzy)
  8. Richard Armitage & History & Spooks (CDoart)
  9. Richard Armitage Fan Blog (Nat)
  10. The Squeee (Traxy) - o hai, that's me! :)

We'll all be posting daily during the event, so stay tuned! :)

Do you blog or Tumblr about Richard Armitage and didn't get an invite? Give us a prod on Twitter or Facebook so we know you'd like to join in, or email blog (at) and I'll pass the message on. If you're not blogging or don't Tumblr or perhaps you do but not about Richard Armitage, but would like to say a few words about him, my door's always open for guest posters. Again, blog (at) would be a good way to get in touch for that. :)


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