Strike Back will return - woohoo!

Rejoice, everyone, rejoice! There will be more of John Porter, says The Daily Mirror today! :D Okay, it doesn't say when it's going to happen or when filming starts or anything other than there will be a series two, but hey, more Action Man stuff for Mr. Armitage. Will he be flaunting his chesticles quite as much in the new series as he was in series one, you reckon?

"Hasta la vista, baby. I'll be back."

Three cheers for Servetus at Me + Richard Armitage for the link! :)


  1. More Strike Back? EXCELLENT!

    Do you think Toby Stephens will be in it?

    Ooooh, i wanna confuse myself all over again by seeing an iconic british actor do such a fabulous american accent. He was a much more effective bad guy that other guy ... er..what's his name.

  2. S-Q-U-E-E-E-E-E!
    I think that says it all...

  3. @Ragtag: Ooh, I'd love to see Toby Stephens in it. Not sure it's going to happen, but one can hope. Hmm, what's-his-name ... yeah, I don't remember either. He was good-looking and had been in Star Trek, but the name escapes me. Maybe if he had been in a cravat I would've remembered! ;)

    @tyme_4_t: Most eloquently put! I approve! ;D


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